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I looked away, not wanting to meet his eyes. My adrenaline had subsided, making pain from my knuckles start to burn. Professor Hiddleston sighed, "Mr. Evans. Would you like to explain?"

"Hey! She jumped onto me!" He clutched his nose, which was still dripping with clots of blood. "One minute I was going to sit down and then my nose is broken!-"

"Because you touched my ass!" I shouted, clenching my fist. I could see Professor Hiddleston's eyes widen, his stance stiffens slightly. "You what?"

The boy who I now knew as Chris, smirked, "What can I say?" He looked over to me, "I'm an ass man-"

Within a second, Professor Hiddleston shot out of his chair and grabbed Chris by the collar. He opened his office, shoving him out. "You are no longer allowed in this class! Go to Dean Jackson's office and let him know what you did." I watched in silence as he scolded Chris, in front of the entire class. 

"And if you don't then I will be personally telling him myself." Chris nodded shakily, running up the stairs and from the classroom. Professor Hiddleston turned back, leading me into his office and shutting the door once again. He leaned against the wooden desk, taking a deep breath. 

We sat in silence until he reached over, placing a soft hand on my shoulder. "Are you alright?" I shrugged, "I mean, yeah." Looking up, I saw his worried eyes gazing down at me. "I've just had bad experiences." 

He nodded, giving me a small smile. "Let me know if he tries anything else, alright?" I nodded yes, covering my hand on his. He trailed his hand down my arm until his soft palms touched my bruised and bloodied knuckles. I could hear what he meant when he rubbed soft circles into my split skin, not speaking a word. 

We sat there for a moment, taking in each other's company. That was until a knock resounded on the door, making both of us jump away from each other as if we were doing something illegal. 

Professor Hiddleston cleared his throat, opening the door to one of his students. I jumped up, flipping my bag over my shoulder. "Yes, Miss Coleman." She looked past him, giving me a small smile before gesturing back to the classroom full of students. "We just didn't know if you were starting soon or..."

Professor Hiddleston nodded, "Yes, yes! Uhm, let's.." I walked out, feeling everyone's eyes on me as I made my way to a seat in the back. 

"Okay! Sorry for the uhm interruption but let's get to the lesson." He walked to the front desk, holding up the book we were assigned to read. I pulled it out, along with a notebook.  I could feel the pull on my skin every time I moved my hand, I would really need to go to the nurse. 

"So, Jane Eyre." Professor Hiddleston moved, leaning against the desk as he looked over the students. His eyes landed on mine, "Insight me on what you thought."


Class ended, later than usual of course. I waited until everyone got up before packing my things up. No one had come up to me to ask about why I had beat Chris. Not yet at least. 

"Miss Johnson." I turned around, seeing Professor Hiddleston giving me a soft smile. I walked down to his desk, "Yes, Professor-"

"Please," He held his hand up, "Call me Tom." I nodded, "Yes, Tom?"

I could see the ghost of a smirk flash across his face before he looked down at my hand, "Please, go to the nurse. She can help."

I raised my hand, "I really don't want my brother finding out about this."

Tom bobbed his head, gesturing back to his office. I followed sitting my bag down beside the wooden desk. Suddenly I felt two hands grab onto my waist, lifting me up. I yelped, giggling as Tom sat me down. "Sorry, love. This way I can see you better." I took in a deep breath, looking into his eyes. 

They were beautiful, like a blue ocean swimming with a hint of green. "It." My brows furrowed, "What?"

"So I can see 'it' better."

"Oh, yeah." I lifted my hand, placing it in his. He reached behind me, ducking his face into my neck slightly. Pulling out a bottle of peroxide, he poured some onto a cotton ball, placing it on my split skin. I hissed, attempting to pull my hand away. Yet he kept it in place, apologizing for the pain. 

"Hold still, darling. I'm almost done." Tears came to my eyes, feeling the full agony of my actions. I whimpered as he took the cotton ball away, blowing on the wound. Tom reached around me once again, bringing a ball of compression wrap to my hand. "For the pain." 

He circles the fabric around, never breaking eye contact with me. "I'm sorry, Miss. Johnson." 

I shook my head, Please, call me Viv."


Sorry, it's such a short chapter but I felt like it was a good place to stop with all the tension. 

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