02. the big rescue and the evil oliver

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The plan was supposed to be acted out Sunday evening, but it had become somewhat earlier. They planned to meet up at 8pm at Scott's, but in the afternoon, Scott was already pretty insane from waiting. He hadn't done much at all that day, except for showering, eating an apple, and dressing himself. Scott wasn't in the mood to watch any movie, and also wasn't in the mood to spend a lot of time eating like he'd normally do. That's why Scott showed up at Stiles' place at 5pm, looking like a big, stressful mess. Stiles welcomed him inside and got him a cup of tea to hopefully help against the nerves. Then he left Scott alone in the living to call Lydia, so she would get at the place earlier too.

Scott badly wanted to call Liam at that moment, but he knew that wasn't possible. Of course he could call the number Liam called with last time, but who knows who he would speak to if he did. But he needed to tell Liam, he needed to make sure the beta was still safe there. And he needed to make sure Liam wouldn't get confused during their plans to save him. But Scott couldn't do anything of that list, and he hated it. He hated it so much that when Stiles came back, he made a comment about Scott's glowing red eyes.

Lydia arrived sometime later, seeing she wanted to grab a small dinner first. Else, she wouldn't get it done. The plan itself was already enough reason to start panicking about whether it would work or not, and doing panicking things on an empty stomach is a really bad idea. Scott and Stiles ate something together, as sheriff Stilinski hadn't come back from work just yet. Normally, he didn't have to work on Sundays, but that day he did for some reason. Stiles had found it weird when his father had told him about it, but his father didn't care to explain the sudden change of schedule.

Upon Lydia's arrival, they talked through the plan one last time. The only problem with it was, that if there were no employees outside of the building, it would be very difficult to get their work suits. Scott didn't want to worry about that though. Then he would get stressed, and that would make him afraid, and that would cause him to fail. Or it would cause him to leave the whole plan behind and just go straight back home again.

As always, the teens took Stiles' jeep to go to their destination. Stiles parked the jeep two blocks away from Eichen House itself, just to be safe. The three of them walked the last few streets. The sky slowly began to grow darker, which they were actually happy with. These kinds of things can best be done in the dark.

Luckily for Scott, there were in total three workers wandering around Eichen House, their eyes darting between the forest and the streets, to see if there were no intruders and to see if no patients have escaped.

"So, how exactly are we going to get them away from their, make sure they'll sleep for a couple of hours, and wear their clothes during that time?" Stiles asked Scott as they came closer. Scott thought for a minute, then gave Stiles a quick smile and run off to the grounds of Eichen. Stiles wanted to call out for him to come back and actually tell what he was going to do, instead of just doing it, but he didn't. It was too risky. He had to trust Scott, and that's something he has been doing for all his life, so it wasn't a problem. It was just that sometimes, Scott's ideas weren't the brightest.

Scott run towards one of the guards, and when the middle-aged man was about to turn around to the sound of Scott's footsteps, the werewolf clawed at him and punched him in the face. Scott felt guilty, but knew this had to be done. It was for a good cause. It would hopefully mean Liam would come home. He had been there for just two days, but Scott felt guilty enough for letting him even run away.

The alpha dragged the unconscious body of the guard away, to some bushes. Quickly he undressed the male and put his clothes on. In his new clothes, he walked up to another worker to test his plan.

"I haven't seen you around before," one of the other guards said to him as Scott walked past, "When did you start working here?"

Scott looked at him and thought for a minute. Then he said, "Some weeks ago."

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2015 ⏰

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