I stand there wide eyed. "Wha-what do you mean my eye?"

"Kumiko, how long are you staying here for?" The Illusionist asks.

"A week. I was hoping you'd be able to help." Kumiko replies.

"A week?! I'll need a year!" He exclaims. "Come, we can't waste anytime! I'll meet you at the top of the temple. I need to get my two people. Are you going home after this?"

"Actually we are going to the Land of Iron After this." Kumiko states. "Why?"

"I will show you when we get to the Temple... but it may take a while.." he says running off.

"What is he talking about?" I ask.

"I'm not sure Mayumi, but follow me to the Temple." She says walking to the Temple.

We get to the top of the Temple where the Illusionist stands with two other people on each side of him.

"Is this the girl?" An older gray haired woman asks looking at the Illusionist as he nods his head.

"She doesn't look like much to me." A pink eyed man with black hair falling to his knees.

"Trust me, you'll see. She's capable of much more than what she looks like. I already know." The Illusionist states walking up to me the other following behind him.

"What's your name dear?" The older woman asks.

"Mayumi. Mayumi Sarutobi." I reply bowing.

"Well then Mayumi. As you see we are the Country of Illusions. And I know Kumiko here wouldn't just bring someone into the village randomly. I see... I see you have a... very special Kekkei Genkai.." The pink eyed man says.

"I trust you don't know the full potential of your powers do you?" The Illusionists asks causing me to shake my head. "Very well. Kumiko, leave it to us. Is there anything we need to know about her?"

"She doesn't fight much with her Genjutsu much. She focuses more on Kenjutsu and Wind Techniques. I've seen her drop a guy down to the ground by using Ketsuryugan."

"By her eye?" asks the older woman.

"By touch." I state. "I was taking the Chunin exams and he fell into my trap by shaking my hand. I also have to eat fruit to keep chakra replenishment."


"Explains why part of her eye is red. But what about the black part?" Asks the man.

"We will get to that. For now, This is Aoi." He says gesturing to the older woman. "And this is Kei." He says gesturing the other way. "We begin training now. Come, sit with us."

I look at Kumiko. "I'll check up on you, you are in good hands with them." Kumiko says as she walks away.

"Sit Mayumi." Aoi says patting the ground next to me. "Tell us everything about your Genjutsu. Can you use Dojutsu?"

"Oh uh, well... I've only ever trained with one other person with it and I've used it a few times. I'm self taught." I explain taking out an apple. "I don't partically like using it. Uhm, I've never used it as a Dojutsu. Mainly through touch or Arul."

"Who is Arul?" The Illusionist asks

Arul flutters off of my hair and in front of them. "This is Arul. He's been with me since I was little. My mom brought him to me and he fluttered to my hair and never left me since."

"Your mother brought him to you?" Aoi asks, I  nod.

"Well lets get into this." The Illusionists states. "Look into my eyes and tell me what you see."

I stop eating and look at him for a moment. "I-I see nothing.."


"No, I see nothing. I've never been able to get caught in a Genjutsu. I see everything as it really is."

"Intresting... Mayumi. Can you not eat for a minute?" Aoi asks pulling out a little pink pill. "Can you take this? It's not going to harm you, it's only going to lower your chakra levels slightly."

"You want me to eat something that can potentially harm me?!"

"In theory yes. We want to test something out." Aoi says pulling out another pill. "You can have a chakra pill after we are done."

I look hard at them, what is there to lose? I  hesitantly takes the pink pill and eats it. "Ack!"

"Alright, now look into my eyes." The Illusionist states., I make  eye contact with him once again and shake my head.

"Nothing." I tell him.

"Have you ever used your eyes?" Kei questions.


They all sweat dropped. "No, we mean with dojutsu." Kei laughs handing her a chakra pill.

"No, I've never really learned that. Like I said, I've only ever learned with touch... or Arul." I reply taking the chakra pill.

"I take it you know how to show people what you want them to see?" The Illusionist asks I nods my head yes. "Well then.. I am intrigued on how the butterfly works. May we?"

"Alright, so let me explain Arul." I sit up straighter as he flutters to my finger and gracefully flaps his wings. "So, with Arul when I call for him he goes to my target and latches onto them."

"Wait, does he feed off of your chakra?" Aoi asks.

"Yes he does. He along with my Kekkei Genkai feed off my chakra all the time. But even before Arul I've always let off chakra. It's one of my down falls, I have to really concentrate to hide it. Anybody can sense me a mile away. Anyway, Arul." Arul flutters to to the Illusionist's hand. "The only way he can latch onto something is if it skin. As for your arms. They are covered up so it won't do him any good. Ready?" I ask he nods he is. "Arul." I commands and click my tongue.

Arul latches onto the Illusionist my red part of my eyes turns red activating my Ketsurygan. He sits there staring for a few seconds. "Arul." I says again. He comes back to and slowly blinks his eyes.

"So the clicking also makes him latch?" Kei asks.

"Yes, sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. Just depends really."

"Wow, that's.. amazing..." the illusionist states as Arul flutters back to me. "Alright child, we have a lot of training to do. So let's do this." The Illusionist states standing up.


I guess this is a checkpoint to see how everyone is doing. I hope everyone is doing okay, and hanging in there. You are loved, and I care 💙

I have a lot that has happened the last few days and the biggest one being a close friend that passed away in a gruesome motorcycle accident. So, the other few chapters that are supposed to go up along with this one is on hold for another day or so.

Remember, don't be on your phone while you're driving, don't speed, and don't drink and drive.

It's not only your lives, but other innocent ones as well.


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