Family Fight

36 0 0

3rd POV

Amica envelops Y/N as he freefalls towards Vale. When he gets close he wraps a tendril around a flagpole. With a half swing he's launched into the distance. Leaping off a building he clings to the base of Vale Tower. He then climbs quickly coming face to face with his twisted spawn.

Ikari: "Father."

Amica: "That's enough Ikari. You're to release poor Lily this instant."

Ikari: "No can do. I love this host too much. It's strong."

He narrows his eyes.

Amica: "We're supposed to look after our hosts. We're supposed to be partners."

Ikari: "We are partners. She offers strength, I use it to fight."

Amica: "You're no partner. You're a parasite."

Ikari's chest lightly opens revealing half of Lily's face.

Lily: "Please uncle Amica. Don't let her control me."

She's covered back up.

Ikari: "Stay out of this runt."

Amica eyes his spawn with only hatred. She'll pay for what she's doing to his niece. With a yell he runs towards forming a bone sword. Bringing it down Ikari easily dodges it by rolling. Now free she forms a double bladed axe and slices open Amica's stomach.

He grabs her head lifting her off the ground. He then slams her head onto the ground cracking it. But she forms a spiked tendril that wraps around Amica's stomach. He's swung around taking out a helicopter. 

Acting quick he wraps a tendril around it before gently setting it down. But Ikari switches the tendril's hold to his neck. He screams as he's swung into a business building. He staggers to his feet when Ikari kicks him through a wall into a printer.

Amica: "She's good."

He rolls avoiding three tendrils. Grabbing them he swings his bone sword severing the tendrils. Ikari roars tackling Amica to the ground. She punches her father repeatedly until they're driven to the floor below. Their momentum carries as they crash through each floor. Eventually they reach a warehouse where they stagger to their feet.

Ikari: "Catch this."

She screams tossing a forklift. Amica catches it but still gets impaled by the prongs. Ikari punches the forklift driving it further into Amica's stomach. Gritting his teeth he swings the forklift like a baseball bat hitting his daughter. She crashes through several walls before impaling herself on a rebar. She screeches and hollers as Amica walks to her healing.

Amica: "It's over Ikari. You've lost."

Ikari: "I refuse to lose!!!"

She sends several tendrils into the ceiling. They tear apart the ceiling making the entire building unstable. Eventually the building collapses on top of the both of them. When the dust settles Amica is seen with a piece of rubble on top of him.

Amica: "Maniac."

A tendril wraps around his neck pulling him out from under the rubble. He's then hoisted into the air.

Ikari: "It's over... father. You can't beat me. I'm far stronger than you'll ever be."

Amica: "I will beat you. Even if I have to die to do it."

She narrows her eyes before impaling his chest with her claws. Her red essence pours into him. He screams as his mind is soon enveloped. The world then goes black.

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