Late Night Return

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I peacefully sleep when Amica pokes my cheek with a tendril.

Y/N: "What?"

Amica: "I heard a noise."

I flip onto my side. 

Y/N: "Probably just a tree branch falling."

The clear sound of a door closing is heard. I instantly sit up.

Y/N: "Trees can't close doors."

I hop out of bed exiting my room. Looking around I see a matted down spot in the carpet.

Y/N: "Something just went through here."

Amica: *appears* "What could it have been?"

Y/N: "I don't know."

I spot more matted spots.

Y/N: "But we're gonna find out."

I follow the spots quickly finding myself in the cafeteria. 

Y/N: "Here we are again."

I walk to the freezer to hear munching.

Y/N: "Ready?"

Amica: "Always."

I lift my right hand forming a bone axe. But jumping out of cover I see the roof with a hole in it. 

Amica: "It's getting away."

Y/N: "Not if I got anything to say about it."

I leap into the hole crawling after whatever it is I'm chasing. As I scurry through the ceiling I see massive claw marks the thing left behind.

Amica: "I really hop this' a hybrid."

I burst out the building arriving at the entrance of the Emerald Forest. I then hear a long holler that doesn't match any Grimm I ever heard.


Amica: "What the hell was that?"

Y/N: "I don't know. But it wasn't natural."

Amica: "Makes me wonder what it is we're after."

I only narrow my eyes. This thing, whatever it is, I hope it doesn't get bold enough to come out in broad daylight.

Lily POV

I shuffle my way through the hallway. Feels like I haven't slept in days. Note to self, never play games till midnight. I sit down in class when I notice a bird tapping on the window. 

Lily: "Hello."

It looks at me. But the second it does it squawks flying away. 

Lily: "Wonder what that was about."

I shrug as class begins. 


I exit the elevator locking eyes with Glynda.

Glynda: "Y/N, did you need something?"

I take a seat.

Y/N: "That thing. It came back."

She gets serious.

Glynda: "Did you get a good look at it?"

Y/N: "Sadly no. But luckily I had my scroll on record."

I pull up the video from last night. I show it to her. Sadly it didn't pick up its face either. But it did capture the chase and it's abnormal holler.

Glynda: "That doesn't sound like anything I've ever heard before."

She leans back in her chair.

Glynda: "This doesn't bode well with me. I hate not knowing what we're up against."

Amica appears.

Amica: "I may have a plan."

We look at him.

Y/N: "Whaddaya suggest?"

Amica: "We lay a trap."

Glynda places her hand on her chin.

Glynda: "That seems like it'll work."

She looks at us.

Glynda: "I like it. Whatever you need I'll provide."

Amica: "First and foremost. I need a giant hunk of meat."

Glynda: "Done."

A couple weeks later I toss a deer carcass onto a net. 

Y/N: "Explain why it took two weeks to get this."

Amica: "It was old. The owner wanted it to die naturally."

Y/N: "Kinda dumb but understandable."

I grab the rope and rig it to the trip wire. Now set I leap onto a tree branch that provides a good view of the area. Form there I wait until my target gets drawn to the trap.

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