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❝ 𝚒'𝚖 𝚐𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚊 𝚏𝚒𝚡 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚠𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝚒 𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚌𝚊𝚗 ❞


"Oh, no. No, no, no."

Sonic felt his chest lose control, and his heart buried inside feeling like it could burst. His eyes widened, the chilled breeze crawling inside and sending his already throbbing head into a chilled frenzy. The avalanche increased in speed, the pattern already engraving the result in time of the thick fog of snow engulfing him in minutes.

"We're in real trouble here. Come on, Tails. I need you to fly us out of here. Time to wake up." Sonic stammered, patting and rubbing Tails' face with hope to spark life back into a roaring flame from the cold state of unconsciousness.

The little fox remained silent, his breaths keeping low and rather quiet, his senseless body unaware of the chaos brewing through the inevitable snowy chase. Sonic thought his chest would explode, shaking his head to jiggle around some ideas of escape. He could hear (Y/n) hyperventilating, the ground trembling below their knees beside Tails.

"Come on, Tails." (Y/n) whimpered, her fingers travelling across his forehead feeling frozen to the core and somehow colder than the frost drizzled into his fur.

"See ya, kids. Enjoy the fresh powder." Robotnik sniggered, rubbing it in that he had the upper hand of access to a hovering aircraft to blast into the distance miles above the icy tragedy.

He powered the rocket engines with the slam of a button to the metallic control panel, the spherical mobile disappearing over the peak of the mountain where the iced disaster had begun. Knuckles remained clinged to the edge, a half-heartedly saddened gaze scanning a distressed Sonic one more time before the rocky summit shielded his view.

Sonic calmed his breaths, a hand digging through the snow to snatch the robotic debris board from before. He watched the mist of snow creep closer, vibrating the mountain with so much pressure it shook to the point it felt it could collapse and initiated a deep growl that rippled between the intruding rocks to the smooth face, and the trembling trees now naked of settled snow.

Sonic tossed the board ahead just before the mountain seemed to slide even lower down to where the natural ground surely should be. He leapt on before it skidded away, keeping it in place to grab Tails into the safety of his arms. He cradled the little saffron fox like a toddler, his fuzzy face frozen in a frown flopped over his shoulder.

"Get on! Quick!" Sonic shouted to (Y/n), his voice almost cracking from the volume he had to endure to overpower the grumble of the avalanche.

(Y/n) nodded, leaping onto the small space left blank just for her to the very back of the board. She wrapped her arms around Sonic's waist, aware both his hands were already occupied and unable to grip her like before. From the secure position, Tails' head balanced into the crook of her neck, the panicked warmth from her skin seeming to soothe the cold of his numb head.

The metal scrap took to the snow that thinned out over the last rocky dip downward, more trees visible ahead against the steadier ground. The avalanche felt like a monster chasing them close behind, ready to pounce and tear them to shreds with misty fangs iced at the knife-like tips.

It sent gusts from behind, (Y/n)'s shoulders already trembling in fear shivering harder from the chill. It swirled around the pine trees speeding past the route carved into the ice from the board, stripping them of previous snow and even some leaves of a saturated green.

(Y/n) watched the snow creep up faster and faster, tapping Sonic's shoulder as a gesture to make some sharp turns to break it away from their course. Sonic snatched out his phone, clicking across the screen with widened eyes of the same green as the emerald glow in the compass he wished to still be the little bag across his stomach.

𝚖𝚘𝚟𝚒𝚎 𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚌 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝟸Where stories live. Discover now