Anna's Trip To The Glory Hole: Part 11

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It was a typical Friday night for Anna. She sat cozied up on the sofa watching reruns of Law & Order SVU on Hulu, when her roommate Ashly a lively redhead with deep blue eyes, slim waist and perky boobs walked in wearing one of her usual weekend dresses. The ones that barely hit mid-thigh and sort of scrunched up with every step she took damn near revealing her ass cheeks.

Anna was in pair of baggy sweats, a My Hero Academia t-shirt, and had her hair pulled back in an Afro puff. She looked at Ashly, "You look pretty."

Ashly tossed her curly red locks back and smiled, "Thanks Anna, where's Dorian?" she asked. He was their other roommate. An attractive Latin man with pretty brown skin and amazing features. He often did Ashly's makeup and his own before they went out.

He entered the living room, "I heard you bitches were looking for me?" he joked.

Ashly laughed. Anna shook her head, "Where are you two off to, tonight?"

Ashly looked at Dorian with a grin. He smiled, "Should we tell her?" he chuckled.

"We're going to the Glory Hole, Anna," said Ashly with a smile.

Anna's face lit up, "Oh my God, I haven't had donut holes in so long, can I come with?" she had already stood to her feet and prepared to run to her room to change.

They burst into laughter as she hurried to her room. "Um, are you going to tell her or?"

"I think it would be fun to see the expression on her face, who knows, she may even like it."

Anna didn't dress up often, but when she did it was usually a dress that was longer, but fitted to show off her modest curves. She was slim, but she had a nice ass. They looked at her in the black dress with gladiator sandals and smiled.

"Alright Ms. Anna, this will be a night you shall not forget."

She smiled, "Great. I can use a fun night out with friends."

Dorian looked at her hair, he took the clip out and let her thick curls fluff out, and then put a little makeup on her face. He smiled, "Now Anna, no matter what, you have to promise to try at least two holes before we leave that's the deal or you stay home."

She nodded, "I can do way more than that."

They laughed.

"Alright then let's go," he said.

Anna was all giddy inside. It had been a while since she had eaten sweets and even longer since she had gotten to eat donut holes. When Dorian pulled up to the building, it looked somewhat normal, but Anna didn't see any signs of donuts.

They got out of the car and walked up to the white door that had a code on the outside. Dorian entered the number and he and the ladies walked in.

"Are there donuts here?" asked Anna as she saw the people walking back and forth from one hallway to the other.

One sign over a hallway read "monster sausages, women only." Another sign said, "elephant trunks, men only." And another read, "fun and satisfying men or women."

Dorian looked at his favorite hall, "I think you already know where I'm headed," he turned to Anna, "Remember, at least two because I'm not leaving until I'm ready." He strutted off to the hall that said, "elephant trunks, men only."

Anna eyed Ashly suspiciously, "What the h. e. double hockey sticks is happening here?"

Ashly chuckled, "I tried to tell you, this is a glory hole and it has nothing to do with donuts silly."

She heard the moans pouring out from the different halls, "Oh my god are people having sex in here?"

Ashly nodded, "Yes, and lots of it." She reached into her purse and handed her several condoms, enjoy." She attempted to walk off, but Anna grabbed her.

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