Lust By The Window (Short Story) Part 10

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It was October, my favorite time of year. The sun would kiss my skin by day and by the evening there would be a crispness in the air that I found delightful. The trees would begin their change and boast radiant colors of yellow, red, orange, and even purple. And most days, I could get away with wearing a sweater and a pair of jeans or slacks with a pair of ankle boots.

I was informed by my supervisor I had to attend a seminar for two weeks in Baltimore. I had only been to Maryland once for a weekend and had longed to go back and here it was a work-related trip paid for by the company. I was excited. Especially since I had recently left a toxic situation that was going nowhere. I needed the break.

After the arrangements were made, I was off to the great city of Baltimore.

When I arrived, I was pleased. My job usually booked its employees at top-of-the-line hotels and the location didn't disappoint. I arrived at my suite and got myself settled since I would be there for a couple of weeks, I chose to use the drawers and closet space rather than live out of my suitcase.

I put my clothes away in the drawers. I also had my toy to give me pleasure; that went into the nightstand where I could grab it quickly if the need arose. After everything was done, I went over to the window to check out the view.

The window was huge. I looked out and saw the goings-on of a normally busy city. Cars whizzing by, people on bicycles, joggers, and the occasional siren or two from a police car or a fire truck. Yet, it was still such a picturesque view. The thing that caught my attention was the building directly across the street.

There were these apartments. They all had huge windows. Most of them were covered with blinds or thick curtains, but there was one in my line of sight that was just bare. I saw a man sitting in what appeared to be an office space reading. From the distance, he looked attractive, but I was super horny, so he could have looked like Smigel from Lord of The Rings. I shook my head and decided to go for a bite to eat.

After I got back from dinner at the Cheesecake Factory, I watched television and later got bored and decided to take a shower. I took off my clothes in the room and I was standing there in my nakedness in front of the window. I saw the handsome man in his office as he walked with his shirt off. He appeared to be fit. His chest was chiseled, he had nice arms and he wore a pair of sweats that showed his print. I said to myself, "Good Lord the man is blessed." I sighed because it had been a long time since I had a nice stiff cock in my pussy stroking it to perfection.

I saw him turn to his window and lookout. He stared. I wondered if he saw me. Did he know that I was watching him? Then I remembered I was naked. He waved. My heart thumped against my chest. I waved back. And there we were sharing this wave by our windows with the road separating us. Then I thought, girl what the hell are you doing showing this man all your goodies out the window? I quickly closed the curtains and went for my shower.

I lay in bed thinking about the man across the street. His skin was fair. He had short wavy brown hair. He looked taller than me and I stood at five feet nine inches. I wondered what color eyes he had. I reached for my toy.

The sound hummed as I placed it on my gem. "ummmm," I said. It felt delightful. All those nerves stimulated caused my river to flow. I wanted that man's face between my thighs as I pulled his hair. I wanted to feel the warmth of his body on mine. I moaned and squirmed as I felt the wave flow over my body, "Ahhhhhh, shit."

My heart raced. I panted until my body relaxed from my pussy contracting. I went quickly to clean off my toy and my split. It was late, but curiosity got the better of me. I went over to the window and peeped out. He was there. Sitting behind a computer, no other light glowed but the one from his screen. He turned and our eyes locked. He stood and waved. I waved back.

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