Made a new friend

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POV' Josephine

It's been hard to adapt to this new people...I lost my boyfriend...

His name was Harry Hillston, he was always very attentive to me... we met about three years ago in Perth, Australia, that's where I used to live... he's so handsome, he was my first boyfriend... but I moved here, I decided together with him that it was better to just be friends again, I confess that I was sad but we are still friends and I don't want our friendship to ever end...

I'll explain why we moved.
Me, my parents and my sister have always lived in Perth, Australia, my mother was a piano teacher and my father was a doctor in a hospital there.
One day my father received a job offer in a hospital in London and as they paid triple what they paid him in our homeland, he didn't think twice and we ended up mother now teaches piano in our home and usually receives many students.

I still don't know anything here and I think I'm going to get lost in this city at any moment... and as I don't like to walk alone I prefer to keep my father company at the hospital since my sister is at school and I don't know why which I'm not yet...I must go to a different one....

So I decide to start my journey on foot through the cold streets of London, it's really cold here, jesus christ!


POV's author

Hero had already been admitted to the operating room and only he and three other doctors were waiting for Dr. Steven to start, which didn't take long for him to arrive.

"Let's start Hero." He says putting on gloves.

Hero just nodded, he was nervous. What if that surgery doesn't work?... What if he got worse?...
It was these kinds of questions that filled Hero's head with thoughts.

And so the surgery begins.


Josephine was tired of walking, she just saw trees, trees and more trees, snow, snow and more snow, was she lost? That's all she thought about... the fear starts to appear, so much so that she even asks God that someone known to her finds her, which was a little too difficult since in this city she only knew her parents and her sister. ...
She continues to walk, she loved the cold and hoped it would start to rain because she loves the rain and to dance as it falls.
It seems that God has heard her prayers and just as she turns a corner of a building, a car comes to a stop right in front of her. Until whoever was inside the car opens the car window.

"Miss? What are you doing here in this cold?"

"Oh hello madam Hero's mother!" Josephine says with an innocent smile on her face.

"You can call me Martha, honey! And what are you doing here in this cold hell?"

"I tried to get to know the city but it seems I only came to see trees..."

"Yeah, honey, but downtown is that way! Do you want a ride to the hospital? Or do you want me to take you home?"

"It could be for the hospital, so I'd see how Hero is doing!"

"Of course! Get in!"

Josephine gets into the car and the two make their way to the hospital.
About ten minutes they arrive and enter the corridors that lead to the room where Hero was resting from the operation.

"He's still sleeping dear and it might take a while to wake up!"

"Of course, no problem, I'll even finish my homework while I wait for him to wake up!"

"Alright, I'm going home to let my husband and other kids know that Hero's operation went well."


Martha smiles at Josephine and leaves, so Josephine enters quietly.
Seeing that he was still sleeping, she decides to sit on a chair and starts doing her homework.

POV' Josephine

As soon as I got to the room I saw Hero sleeping and he was wearing... I don't know how to say it, they looked like two round white bandanas, one in each eye, poor guy... how will he see now?

I get lost in my thoughts as I start working because this won't do it alone...

And you ask, but if she's new in this city, in this country, why is she doing tpcs if she hasn't even gone to school yet in London?
The answer is simple, I left my school in Perth and I had a month to finish classes there, so my teacher sent me the work I needed to do and as I'm lazy I'm just doing it now...but what matters is that I do it, better to do it late than not to do it, right???


I was listening to music until I see that Hero seemed to be waking up, I turn off the music and go to him.

"Hero?" I say getting close to the bed where he was.

He directs his face towards me since he couldn't see anything because of those bandanas he had to cover his eyes.

"Josephine? Is that you?"

"Yes, your mother went to tell your father and your brothers that your operation had gone well and I took the opportunity and came to see how you are you feeling?"

"To tell you the truth, I feel like a doll that has just sewn two buttons on my eyes, it hurts!" He says between laughs...but laughs of pain.

"I can imagine..."

"How long have you been in here?" Hero asks trying to scratch his eyes.

So but is he trying to scratch his eyes knowing he can't?
In a second reflex I grab his left arm and put it down...he must want to run out of eyes.

"You can't touch his eyes Hero!

"I know, but it's hard! Because it hurts and itches!" He says whimpering.

"Would you rather stay like this forever?" I say trying to get him to change his mind.

"No...but you're annoying!" He says laughing.

"I know!" I laugh as I look at him.

"I want to get out of here!" Hero exclaims and starts moving on the stretcher.

"If you get up, I'll tie you to the bed so you don't move!"

"Have I told you you're bossy Josephine?" He asks with a weird expression and I let out a smile.

"And you're stubborn! How can your brothers put up with you?" I say laughing.

"They're worse than me! Especially my little sister."

We both started laughing, I think I made a friend in this country...


I hope you enjoyed! I chose to make this chapters small to be easier to read. Still sorry for being so small 😊😊😊
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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2022 ⏰

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