...my problems go away...

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Martha had been knocking on Hero's bedroom door for about ten minutes, already impatient.

"Hero? Come on! We're already late!"

Hero opens the door, apologizing.

"Sorry mom! I was looking for my cell phone and I found it in a very unusual place! That's why it took me so long!"

They continue to talk and head for the door.

"Where did you find this?"

"It was on top of my shower! It must have been Titan or Mercy!" He laughs as he opens the door for his mother.

"You two are such figures!" She lets out a laugh.

The two head to the car, giving way to the hospital. Hero went all the way silent and thoughtful until he decides to speak *


"Yes dear? What's up?"

"Hamm....nothing, nothing....let it be..."

"Son? You know you can tell me everything, don't you? I'm your mother and you can tell me anything!" She parks the car in the hospital parking lot.

"It's nothing...I was just thinking out loud!"

"Anything you want to tell me...you can!"

Hero doesn't respond and they follow the path inside the hospital.
They go to the counter and the nurse Steven was already there waiting for them.

"Good afternoon Ms. Fiennes! Good afternoon Hero! The nurse greets you."

They make their way to an office.

"Let's talk about you Hero... have you had headaches, dizziness... bad feeling?"

"I get headaches from time to time but they're not very bad... and my eyes hurt sometimes..." Hero sighs heavily.

"Okay...well...I have your exams here..." He says opening an envelope with some papers and taking them out of the envelope.
"Now, from what we analyzed in the exams... Hero could be starting to generate Glaucoma..."

"Glaucoma? What is it? Is it serious??" Hero starts to get nervous.

"Calm down son, let Mr. Stefan continue..."

"I will explain what Glaucoma is...Glaucoma is a disease that affects the optic nerve, so that it stops carrying visual information to the brain. It is caused, in most cases, by increased intraocular pressure, due to to a difficulty in draining the fluid, called aqueous humor, that circulates inside the eye. Glaucoma does not have a curative treatment, but it can be controlled with the use of specific eye drops, pills and even anti-glaucomatous surgery. . Surgery is indicated to control eye pressure, in general it does not change the patient's vision either for better or for worse. Surgery is performed when the patient cannot have satisfactory levels of pressure even using all the possible eye drops."

"So does that mean I'm going to go blind?" He rolls his eyes.

"Hero respect!" Martha warns him.

"It doesn't matter Ms. Fiennes, I understand Hero's side, this is not easy...for now, I want him to come here a couple of times a month for us to do tests...."

"And Mr Stefan...what are the main symptoms?" Martha asks.

"Hero you may feel headaches and tiredness in your eyes, you may be tired."

"Okay...but that doesn't stop me from doing my thing does it?"

"No, I just want you to let me know when you start to get really tired and your eyes hurt, call on your way over here!"

The two nod and leave.

"Ms. Martha...this week I'll call you and we'll set up appointments for Hero, okay?"

"Of course! And thank you so much for following him!"

Martha shakes the nurse's hand and Hero does the same.

~~Time skip~~

Hero POV'

Good, now I have a disease that can make me blind! But why would that happen to me right away?
I take my guitar and start playing melodies to try to clear my head a little...
When I play the guitar it feels like all my problems go away...

I hope you enjoyed! I chose to make this chapters small to be easier to read. Still sorry for being so small 😊😊😊
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