"hug it out." i add on, watching them glare at each other is annoying.

"what?" they both turn their glares on me and i just raise an eyebrow and smirk. a silent challenge.

they turn back to each other and hangman is the first to open his arms, albeit begrudgingly.

"no way in hell." bradshaw glares harder and backs up.

"come on rooster, you heard her highness."

rooster turns to glare at me before giving in and hugging hangman. the hug only lasts about a millisecond but i still feel the tension in the air after.

"great, now that thats over can we all go and graduate? its nearly three." pheonix calls attention to the fact that every single one of the graduates is about to be late to graduation. talk bout our instructors being proud of us.

we all leave the hard deck as quick as possible. i overhear some of the boys making bets on who will get to graduation first and it ends up being a bit of a race. now i really wish i had driven my bike.

of course hangman gets there first and flore and i get there second. after that it doesnt really matter who got there. all of our parents are there and seated already and our top gun instructors continue to carry a permanent scowl. although today it looks particularly scary, probably pertaining to our lack if punctuality.

hollywood stands at the center of the stage and watches us all enter. "well then, now that our students have decided to arrive, we may begin."

the entire ceremony is a bore and fo be honest, i blocked most of it out. hangman finished first and i know it doesnt matter who comes in second but it was me. i didnt miss the look of disappointment on my fathers face when that was announced.

after the ceremony everyone was mingling and i walked over to my parents to give them hugs.

"oh sweetheart, you look amazing!" my mom kisses me on the cheek.

"why were you walking like that?" my dad never fails to kill a mood doesnt he?

"excuse me?" i dont know what hes talking about.

"are you injured or something? you were walking funny."

i look around confused and meet florences eyes. i realize that she must not have told my parents about my crash like i had assumed shed done.

"oh, i crashed my bike a couple of days ago but im fine." i see flore start to walk over and i desperately try to thing of a way to change the subject but shes faster than my brain.

"shes not fine actually. she crashed her plane, and she had a broken rib." i hear a sharp intake of breath from my parents and i quickly try to defend myself.

"dammit storm, its a hairline fracture, its not that bad. and secondly, snitch."

"sweety, why didnt you tell us this?" my mom actually sounds offended and i immediately feel guitly.

"im sorry, i thought storm called you."

"why did you crash?" my dad asks and suddenly realize his friend, maverick, is there too.

"well i didnt do it on purpose, i accidentally flew into hangmans jet wash."

"son of a bitch." i can just barely hear my dad mutter under his breath before he and maverick make a silent agreement and begin to walk away.

"where are they going?" flore dumbly asks.

"probably have a nice conversation with whoever hangman is." my mom responds, leading storm away to the mini bar.

now being left alone i guess rooster thinks this is the perfect time to talk to me. "how are you feeling?"

"what do you want?" i turn to him with a glare.

"damn, why are you acting like a bitch again?"

"because youve been ignoring me for a week and im mad at you?" i respond like its a question but its not.

"youve been in the hospital for a week. what was i supposed to do? come and visit?"

"um... thats what everyone else did. "

"okay well, i was busy."

"i dont give two shits to hear sorry excuses bradshaw. if you didnt want to talk to me just say so." i turn to walk away but he grabs my arm to pull me back.

"shit no, im sorry. i have a weird thing with hospitals, im sorry."

"where are you going after top gun?" he looks releived that i didnt pressure more out of him, but annoyed at the new question.

"i dont know yet. arnt you staying here though?"

"i am. i think storm wants to move back home but im joining a squadron here in mirimar. i might get a dog too." i had been wanting to get a dog for years now but had never gone through with it. i decided that it flore chose to go somewhere else, i would stay and get a dog, but if she chose to stay, i would get two dogs.

"which squadron?"

"um the skylines i think?" the skylines have been scouting me for a couple weeks now and they are really close. ive never been one for considering all my choices, i mean, im in the navy.

rooster is about to reply when we get interupted by maverick. "rooster, can we talk?" he looks neevous. he glances between both of us as if trying to resist saying something.

"no. ill probably see you sometime sunshine. bye." he leans down and kisses my cheek, making us both freeze. after a second he walkes away, not sparing me another glance. i didnt realize that would be the last time i saw him for a while.

"im sorry about that maverick. i may have put him in a bad mood right before you got here." i apologize to him, feeling embarrassed by roosters behavior.

"oh dont worry, that had nothing to do with you. he hates me." he looks down, sad. but then immediately changes his attitude. "you know, i finished second at top gun as well. ice told me the plaque for the alternates is in the ladies room. can you confirm?" i laugh out loud at that, i didnt expect his change in bahavior so suddenly.

"i cant confirm or deny, but i will see to it that they put my plaque in there. who knew we would be so similar?" i ask it as a joke, not realizing the irony of my question. i dont see the way mavericks eyes pop of his head a little.

"oh if looks like sarah is calling me over. ill see you around caroline."

after i said bye to him i headed back to florence who is now talking to hangman. "ready to go?" i ask.

"yeah sure," she sounds kind of disappointed but she doesnt spare hangman another glance as we head out of the venue and to her car.

"how long do you think until we see them again storm?" i actually think ill miss some of these guys.

"probably never, not gonna lie." storm responds, with a little venom. i wonder what crawled up her ass and died the whole way home.


AN/ im sorry this took so long u guys, school sucks out all my creativity so hear u go. plz vote, it builds my confidence :)

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