Chapter 6

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Rose pov

There was silence. I couldn't here anything. Then I heard Jack. " What a pleasant surprise Zalgo. Is there a reason you're here at our house. It must be so important for you to be here."

" Well I have every right to visit my people right but I'm here for a different reason. I have had that you have a human in your home. Wanna share."

His voice is so deep. " What are you talking about Zalgo. That's absurd."

" I'm pretty sure I smell two humans here and one has not yet being born." Oh no he knows I'm here and that I'm pregnant.

" What do you mean not being born." Suddenly there was a loud thud and another thing I'm in the living room with a hand holding my waist and another one on my neck.

" Zalgo wait. Don't hurt her." The guys were all Infront of me even slender Man.
" So you are the human huh. You are beautiful I can say at least and the unborn human."

Ben looked at me with a confused look on his face.
" I can tell by the look of your face you didn't know." I guess I'm gonna die here and my child will be gone too.

" Zalgo let her go. She's not a threat." Ben said. " You've gone soft Ben drowned and grown weak only because of a human. We are killers Ben, we don't get to have emotions."

He held my neck even tighter. "Maybe I should remind you who you are." He scratched my neck with his nail causing me to bleed a little.

Ben's eyes were bloody red now. " That's it get angry and be the killer you once were." Is he going to kill me. He was looking at me slowly coming close to me and Zalgo. " I'm going to kill you." Ben said.

Zalgo threw me across the room but luckily Toby caught me. They all turned to Zalgo ready to attack. " You want to attack your leader because of a human. But you forgot I don't walk alone."

Suddenly many creepypasta surrounded the house. They were more scary than the ones I live with. This is the end.
" Toby get here out of here." Ben said. Toby carried me bridal style and running as fast as he could.

Suddenly we were far away from the house. He put me down gently. " Stay here and don't go anywhere. This is a safe place ok." I nodded and held my stomach.

" You are really pregnant." He asked.

" I just found out and I wanted to tell Ben but Zalgo came I guess. Are you going to help them fight."

" Yes but if I don't protect Ben will kill me or drown me especially now since your pregnant and carrying his child."

Suddenly he held his head and closed his eyes. " What is it."

" They followed us. Stay close to me ok."

They surrounded us. Toby was killing them while trying to protect me. Jack also came and helped Toby.

They were too many of them that both couldn't handle. I decided to run which I regret since some of them started following me.

I ran as fast as I could on to find myself in a dead end, the end of a cliff and water at the bottom. If I jump I drown. I can't swim.

The six of them were now Infront of me.  "Smells delicious." One of them said looking at me with a hunger look.

They were coming close to me as I stepped back. I rather drown that let this creatures kill me. I stepped on more step behind causing me to fall.

I only had screams. I closed my eyes and waited for me to fall into the water and drown. Suddenly I felt a hand on my waist and another on my back as we both fell into the water.
That is all I remember before everything went dark.

Ben's pov

I was fighting Zalgo and I killed him. I noticed other creepypasta going after Toby and Rose. I signalled Jack to go after them.

Slender Man, Jeff and I continued to fight the others.
" Go help them Ben we can take care of this." I nodded of went to the others only to find Rose running the other direction followed by six others.

I decided to go after them. They headed at the end of the cliff. I saw her fall off the cliff. I ran and killed the six of them and jumped. I held her tight as we fell into the water.

She had already blacked out, so I held her as we swam to the nearest shore.
I carried her bridal style as her head rested on my chest.

The others finally came. " Is she ok."

" She's ok, just blacked out. What about Zalgo. I killed him but I'm not sure if he does."

" I guess will just be on the look out." We went home. I laid her on the bed and covered her with a warm blanket. I can't believe I'll be a father. ' Rest starlight'

I said as I kissed her fore head. I went to the others. " So since Zalgo is no more who will be the leader." Jack asked.

" Since slender Man was his right hand maybe he should take over."

"Yah you should actually. The other creepypasta will agree. Well the once that are alive though."

" I guess I can try to lead."
" We all know you'll be a great leader slender man."

Rose pov

I slowly opened my eyes as I regained my conscious. Ben was sitting at the chair. He was asleep. He  stayed with me till I woke up.

I was about to get out of bed. " Where do you think you're going love."

" I want water. I'm thirsty." He opened his and stood up. " When you want something you tell me ok. You're pregnant and I need to take care of you."

" But I can get up and I'm ok." He came close to me.
" You stay in bed I'm going to get you food and water."

He went and later came with food and water. " I'll feed you and then we can go and buy anything you want."

" I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was pregnant. I wanted to tell you that day but things got messy and....." He suddenly kissed me.

" You don't need to apologize. So long as you're safe I'm happy. We will have a happy life since you have made me the happiest creepypasta in the whole universe. I love you Rose."

He said he loves me. " I love you too Ben."

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