Epilogue 65

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Sky watches her children as they round up their children for the family photo. It has been thirty years since she thought she would lose her mates. 

Those years have been filled with ups and downs and shocking turns for them all.

Sky had given each of her mates two children each. All of them have found good mates that treat them right and they treat their mates like their father treats her. In turn all the packs have started treating their mates the way they should.

Sky not only has her twelve children and her bonus child Brandon, but all of her children have given her and her mates several grandbabies. Sky is more content and happy than she ever believed she could be.

She smiles as she watches her daughter runs after her laughing daughter.

Kacey comes up to her and gives her a kiss. "What has you smiling so happily?"

"Just watching our family and thinking over the last thirty years."

Kacey holds her in his arms. "Have you been happy Sky? I mean, are you truly happy?" Kacey just can't help but remember all the mistakes he and his brothers did in the first year of being mates with Sky. The mistakes they made where they almost lost her a couple of times.

Sky looks up at Kacey and smiles. She gently cups his face. "It hasn't always been easy Kacey, but I wouldn't trade my life for anything. These thirty years with you and my other mates have been the best years of my life."

Wyatt steals her from Kacey and twirls her around before the twins steal her and kiss her as they twirl her around. Laughter and sounds of joy come from all around as their children, grandchildren and the children of her knights and their grandchildren join in their joy.

Brandon smiles as he sees the joy in his mothers face. He holds tight to his mates hand and pulls her close. She snuggles into him as she watches the joy of her mother in law and mates. She holds her son tight to her that looks just like her father, Chang only with out the scaring. She herself looks like her mother, Tandy.

Tandy and Chang walk over and join them as they watch the royal family.

"Did you ever think to see Sky so happy and carefree?" Chang asks Tandy kissing her temple.

Tandy sniffs, "With how they started I thought Sky would die long before this day would ever come."

Brandon gets a darkness in his eyes. He will still wake up startled from dreams that Sky and his father reject each other.

He has taken on a role of knight to the crown princess his cousin although he won't have the same duties the knights to his mother had.

The shifter groups all have grown greatly and they all recognize that it was through the efforts of their queen. So far they've kept their problems small and Sky has been able to easily handle the problems with out there being any fights between shifter people.

Anastasia and her two mates come forward and Sky hugs them all.

Anastasia gave both her mates several children as well. They run to the friends they have and catch each other up with the news they all have.

Later that night the adults gather. Many of the children are asleep in their arms or at their sides. Those that are awake beg Sky to tell them a story. Some of them have heard their parents talking about how things could have gone so badly at the beginning of Sky meeting her mates and so they beg to hear that story.

Sky looks at her mates and smiles.

"It's a rather long story, are you sure that you want to hear that?"

They beg her all of her grandchildren wanting to hear the story of how they met.

"Before you can hear that story you need to know about your great grandfather and what he did to the pack long before Sky was born." Kacey tells them.

So the children change what they want to hear about.

Sky is horrified that they would tell that story. She doesn't want the children up all night with nightmares.

"It's alright Sky, I won't tell them the worse parts." Kacey assures her before turning once more to the little ones.

"Once you are ready for bed I'll start the story."

"Grandpa you are just wasting time. Our parents already got us all ready for bed." The oldest of the grandchildren protests.

Kacey pretends to look around. "Well, I do believe you are right. Would you look at that?" Kacey teases them a bit.

Sky merely shakes her head smiling at the fun her mate is having at the expense of the children.

Alexander bends over to his wife and whispers to her, "Would you ever think to see Kacey so carefree and gentle as to tease his grandchild like this?"

The female vampire shakes her head. She was the daughter of another vampire brought over after the vampires found safety with the shifters. The alphas had always more or less terrified her. She knew that they wouldn't hurt her but something about them spoke of sudden violence that would be deadly. 

A couple of children climb onto Kacey's lap and others climb into their grandfather's laps. Sky already has her lap full of child. She is always in demand and always takes the time to hold her grandchildren.

As Kacey's story comes to an end most of the younger children are sound asleep. The older ones are still wanting to hear the story they asked to begin with.

Sky gets a small smile on her face as she starts.

"It was a dark and stormy day. I had come to the Legrand pack house not knowing any thing of shifters or that they were mafia. I knew nothing of the reputation of Lawrence Legrand all I knew was that he was named as my father on my birth certificate. I had some questions for him since I knew nothing about my life, the life of my mother before I could remember and hoped that he could give me some of those answers.

"There was a tropical storm that had hit the island and the taxi left me stranded as their butler answered the door. He wanted to get off the island before the bridge was closed to traffic. I hadn't made any reservations because I was afraid that I would chicken out of going to ask the questions I had if I went to a hotel first. I hadn't realized that there would be a tropical storm that would close the island off.

"Kacey heard me talking to the butler and told him to let me in. He then directed the butler to ready the rose room for me. He wouldn't accept no for an answer. He told me that his father was dead but that he would answer the questions I had to the best of his ability. He introduced  me to Tandy and then after I dried off and dressed introduced me to his brothers and fellow alphas."

"What about uncle Wyatt, he wasn't an alpha." One of the boys questions.

"We didn't know that he was one of my brothers," Kacey answers the young child.

"Then you fell in love with them all, right?" One of the girls asks innocently.

Sky smiles and then chuckles a bit as do her mates. "No, precious, it was far from easy. I had actually rejected the alphas two days or rather a day and a half later. You see..." Sky goes on to talk of the things that happened thirty years ago to an entranced audience. Her children just as spell bound as her grandchildren and those of her knights.

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