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Sky and a good share of her pack arrive at the field and array themselves along their pack border so that they can watch their luna fight to maintain her position within the pack. 

Sky ignores the bets that are placed against her by some of the jealous females, but is secretly pleased that more are betting on her winning the fight. She smirks as she hears one of the pack say that she'll finish the fight within five minutes of starting. Sky makes sure that she'll be able to find that pack member once more.

About five minutes after the Legrand pack the other pack arrives. Her mates nod cordially to the pack alpha. Floyd is the one to take center field and explain to all the reason and rules for the fight.

"The alpha heir to Cummings pack has challenged the luna and mate of the alphas of Legrand pack for her position. In return Sky has challenged the heir to Cummings pack for her position of heir. This will be a fight to the death.

"Sky was challenged first so she will choose whether to fight in human or wolf form."

Sky had clarified that human form will include partial transformation of body to that of wolf, like claws or jaws. Not many can do it in all their history only the most powerful was said to be able to. As long as she keeps her general human form and doesn't go fully furry she'll be fine.

"I chose human." The heir scoffs thinking it was because Sky couldn't change forms.

"Of course you do, human." She is rather cocky not realizing the silence that has fallen on the Legrand pack side.

Sky's mates smirk and shake their heads at her words.

Then the whispers start up. "She doesn't know." They are all shocked. Generally the rumor mill would have spread the word.

Sky decides to help her out a bit.

The female hears the whispers and looks confused. "I was turned when the alphas brought me back. Part of the turning meant marking me. So when you challenged me for Kacey you also challenged me for the others. None of them want you and should you win they'll kill you and then your pack.

"But I wouldn't be worried about that just now." Sky says and an evil look comes onto her face before she continues. "You won't be living long enough to worry about it."

With that both combatants go onto the field and take up their positions.

Before they start Sky nods to the male wolf that is standing in front facing them. "I, William Nesbitt, do reject you, Karen Cummings, as my mate." Then he spits on the ground. She stares at him shocked that he would actually reject her.

In shock she turns from him to face Sky once more and takes up her attack stance.

Sky had taken self defense classes, private ones of course, growing up and so takes one of those positions and waits for the princess to attack. As soon as Sky finishes setting her stance Karen attacks.

As soon as she does Sky moves out of the way of her attack and grabs hold of the females throat. As she does so she changes her hand to that of partial wolf and partial human so her claws are digging into the females throat drawing blood even as the female is clawing at the hand holding her throat and lifting her into the air.

Sky looks over to the other pack. "You have continuously broken the treaty with the Legrand pack because of this she wolf. That will end here and now." Sky says and as she drops the female wolf down she rips out her throat.

There is shocked silence from both sides of the field.

"Come get your dead princess. Now, Alpha, I challenge you as your heir to be alpha of your pack."

You've Got to be Kidding meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora