Chapter 3: New students?

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Y/n Pov

After I got settled into my new home I watch the news for a bit "more people have been killed and have gone missing we are trying to find and stop this" the news person said I sighed *ok there's now way that was real it's just probably people doing really cool cosplay..I think only Ben is real..right..* I thought to myself then convinced myself that only Ben was real no one else then I went to my room and slept

{next day}

Ok new day time to head to school I got my stuff and headed out and into my car to drive to school

{when you arrive to school}

I arrived to school and parked my car got out a ran to class *shit imma be late!* I said to myself but I arrived on time math class was first "ok class we have three new students come on in Toby, Tim, and Brian!" The teacher said three boys cane in "Hello I'm Brian" Brian said "I-I'm *tic* Toby and I h-have Tourette's *tic*" Toby said "hey how about we call you Ticci Toby instead!!" A jerk yelled "OI don't fuck with him he is only new!" I yelled at the jerk "T-thanks" Toby said "And you know me as Tim" Tim said "ok find a seat and sit there" the teacher said Tim sat in the back so did Toby and Brian "ok so blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah" I ignored the teacher and drew in my notebook because I hate math I drew Ben really good cause I saw him

I arrived to school and parked my car got out a ran to class *shit imma be late!* I said to myself but I arrived on time math class was first "ok class we have three new students come on in Toby, Tim, and Brian!" The teacher said three boys cane i...

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(I did not draw this I don't know who did)

I liked the drawing it was cool I didn't realize class was over I packed my things and headed out of class I walked for a bit because history class is far "listen to my Ticci boy don't fuck with me or you'll regret it!!" The jerk said then punched Toby

Tim and Brian were being held back by four boys I ran to protect Toby "didn't I tell you to fuck off!!" I yelled at the jerk "so what Y/N or should I say crazy bitch" the jerk said I got pissed "Shut the fuck up Jon!!" I yelled "or what bitch?" Jon said I snapped and punched out of rage "Don't fuck with Toby he is really nice don't fuck with me I will fuck tou up I've done it before I will do it again so you better not fuck with Toby you got it Jon!!!" I yelled a crowd came around us yelling "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT" Jon got up I didn't notice because I was helping Toby up a told him to get somewhere safe the Jon swung at my head hitting my into a lock giving my a big cut on my face I fell to the floor holding my face "YOUR OVER JON GET YOU DUMBASS OVER HERE!!" I yelled standing and turning to face Jon I punched him he punched my he was winning at first but something came over me I grab a pencil I saw on the floor and stabbed Jon in the arm he yelled in pain while I just chuckled I was all sort of beat up I blacked out due to my wounds

Tim and Brian were being held back by four boys I ran to protect Toby "didn't I tell you to fuck off!!" I yelled at the jerk "so what Y/N or should I say crazy bitch" the jerk said I got pissed "Shut the fuck up Jon!!" I yelled "or what bitch?" Jo...

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(I was lazy ok but that's where your cut is)

Oh my lord Y/N and the boy got into a big fight Y/N ended up winning but passed out "FUCK GET THE GIRL" I yelled rushing toward Y/N Toby And Hoddie followed I picked up Y/N and rushed out out to find a hospital I saw one right across the street so we went there we got in "PLEASE HELP OUT FRIEND THEY ARE REALLY HURT!!" I yelled "OH LORD WE WILL GET RIGHT ON IT" the office lady said then got on a announcement phone "WE NEED DOCTORS QUICKY A POOR PERSON IS NEEDED ASAP THEY ARE REALLY WOUNED AND HAVE A BIG CUT ACROSS THEIR FACE" the lady said

{after getting you fixed up*

Your Pov
I woke up in a hospital bed everything hurt "hellos Y/N you will released tomorrow you need to heal for today tho also we stitched your cut and you will have that permanent scar" the nurse said "o-oh thank you m-ma'am.." I said "three people are here to visit you!" The nurse said happily "ok then.." three bot came in and they where Toby, Tim, And Brian "hello ma'am" Tim said "please call me Y/N" I said with a smile "h-how are *tic* your doing Y-Y/N *tic*" Toby asked "I'm doing well thanks to you guys I'm also glad your ok Toby the jerk Jon deserved to get stabbed with that pencil!" I said max "it's ok Y/N Jon got what he deserves" Brian said

{the next day at school}

I was mad at Jon but I need to be at school I used a hoodie and mask to cover my scar I hated my scar no one wants to mess with me now not even talk to everyone except Toby, Tim, and Brian their my only friends till one day someone does fuck with me and it's Jon he pulled my hoodie down and took my mask off showing my scar "Haha!! Your Nickname shall be scar face now!! You look so ugly with that scar!!" Jon yelled knowing it was my weakness and I was to weak to fight him so he punched me the kicked me pulled my hair and shoved me on the floor I started to cry because everything hurt "p-please stop!!" I begged "hmm how about no!" Jon said then stepped on my back making me scream in pain but I didn't scream that loud 'make him pay Y/N L/N' I voice said in my head Jon walked away and I stood up weakly and walked to my class I got interested in killing and creepypasta it's just so intriguing 'kill Jon his address is ******** kill him soon Y/N' the voice said again "maybe I will kill that basterd Jon he scared my face now he shall pay with death.." I said the laughed

I was in Y/N's computer and Y/N was looking us up and looking up killers maybe she will turn into one of use some day "maybe I will kill that basterd Jon he scared my face now he shall pay with death.." Y/N said then she started laugh like she was crazy 'yup she will be one of us very soon' then I left her computer into my room I ran down the stairs "Guys Guys Y/N will be one of us soon!!" I yelled to Toby, Hoodie, Masky, And Jeff "she will kill some dude called Jon what a dumb name!" I said "oh I know Jon he was the dude who fought Y/N" Hoodie said "s-she *tic* even helped m-me *tic*" Toby said "she even stabbed the boy in the arm" Masky said

Damn 1200+ Words

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