Chapter 1: Summoning

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Y/N p.o.v

So people have been getting killed or going missing and most of them don't have kidneys whatever so people think it's the 'Creepypastas' yeah right no way the are real I've never believed in them and I wanna try and summon one!

I wanna try Ben drowned I found a Wattpad on how to do it all I gotta do is follow the rule but I will have a pocket knife in my pocket I'm going to try tomorrow night cause I need to get the things

{tomorrow night}

I got the things ok not to try this stupid thing out...first peel the cover off the majora's mask cartridge and write 'MAJORA' on it "ok done what's next!" I said "dip the cartridge in salt water..alright then?" So I dipped it the salt water "light a match and hold it right under the cartridge? Ok?" I said confused and while holding the match under the cartridge "now smash the cartridge with a rock!? Ok this is getting stupid!" I said but did it anyways "turn on and play 'the song of unhealing then close your eyes" so I turned on my computer but before I closed my eyes and pressed play I read the last bit of it "wait till the song is over then you will hear a voice saying 'you shouldn't have done that' or 'you've met with a terrible fate haven't you?' Creepy whatever let's get this over with" I closed my eyes and pressed 'play'

{after the song was over}

*nothing ha! I knew this shit wasn't real* I said to myself but when I was going to open my eyes I heard "you shouldn't have done that.." I opened my eyes and turned around thinking it was one of my friends but no..

It was Ben! "Holy shit your real!" I yelled in shock "of course I'm real! who did u think was doing all the killing?" Ben said "ok umm shit what do I do!" I said I reached for my phone but Ben stopped me "to late for that it's over for you.." he said while holding my arm fear overwhelmed me so I put my hand in my pocket taking out my knife trying to stab him but he dogged "you can't take me out the easy Y/N.." Ben said while shaking his head *how does he know my name* I asked myself then he swung at me and I blacked out

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