Chapter One

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"Move your butt," Terra hissed frantically, giving her twin sister a sharp nudge to make her go faster.

"I'm trying, I'm trying," Lily replied with a groan, "But the tunnel is so cramped and slimy! I'm ruining my favourite leggings!"

    A deafening roar echoed through the tunnel, followed by the sound of feet against concrete. The sound of the alien that was tailing the sisters.

"It's getting closer!" Terra screeched hysterically, pushing her sister's behind. The girl's pace quickened, despite her constant whining about her clothing.

    The tunnel expanded, so that the twins were able to run in an uncomfortable crouched position. That was good news, because they could move a lot faster, but so could the monster chasing them, which was the bad news. And the worse news? Terra could hear its heavy breathing as it got nearer.

    A light appeared at the end of the tunnel, which steadily grew larger until the sisters reached a section with a ladder on the wall. The light was coming from an open manhole above them.

"Climb it, you doof! Or do you want to get eaten?" Terra asked sarcastically. Lily whimpered something about the rusted ladder being gross, but began to haul herself up. Once both sisters were out, they made a mad rush to cover the manhole. They covered it just in time, but still managed to catch a glimpse of the creature chasing them.

    The duo sprinted into the enormous library, shutting the doors just as the alien burst out of the manhole in search of them. It spun around, sniffing the ground and trying to get a scent. Eventually, it gave up, and ran off.

"Whew, it's gone. Let's unpack-" Terra began, but her sister was already gone, her backpack abandoned at the door. Lily didn't care about the fact that they'd just risked their lives to get vital supplies, no, she was worried about a little dirt on her clothes. So Terra carried her sister's pack, as well as her own, into the library's main room, where two familiar faces greeted her.

    The faces belonged to Kieran Kissane and Corey Jackson, the two boys that survived with the sixteen year old girls.

    Kieran was an eighteen year old of Irish descent, his crazy personality making him the joker of the group. He kept things light in a normally stressful environment.

    And Corey was a pure-blooded American, only recently turned twenty-three. He was a stickler for the rules, and he'd appointed himself group leader, despite being the most recent addition.

"Terra!" Kieran exclaimed happily, pulling her into a crushing bear hug. "Did you bring me a present?"

"Of course I did!" she replied, laughing at his childlike excitement. She handed him both backpacks, and the red-haired boy immediately began to dig through them.

"You found marshmallows?" he asked incredulously, clutching the bag of soft white candy to his chest.

"You'd better share those, Kieran," Corey said, picking a pack up from the floor. He emptied the contents on a counter, before glaring accusingly at Terra. "You filled a pack... with clothes?"

    The girl pushed Corey aside, and stared at the fashionable clothing that lay on the counter. Only one person would've filled an entire backpack with clothes in the middle of an apocalypse... Lily.

    And speak of the devil, here she came in a fresh pair of clothes, the dirt and grime already gone from her skin. She skipped over, as if there hadn't been a war, as if it was a normal day, as if she was a normal teenager.

"Oooh, my clothes! Thank you very much!" she squealed, picking up a pink top with glittering embellishments and hugging it to her chest.

"Lily... You know we're a little short on supplies... and you bring home a pack of CLOTHES?" Corey yelled angrily. The girl pouted, fluttering her eyelashes at the young man.

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