Chapter 27: forest queen

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Third P.O.V

Each guilds members were split in groups to find wendy and happy, mostly wendy because she have lost magic call healing that can cure anything, cuts, poison and fever to save erza scarlet after being bit by cobra snake. Lucy, Hibiki and y/n decided to stay with erza.

But now, the real threat has come when it reveal was actually alive but there was one person who with them, in old priest that brain call him "the savior" somehow brain have two demons that have in grudge against sparda kin. So brain want wendy to heal those two but what for?

Y/n just slash the last demon, swirling his red queen and stab it on the ground.

Y/n: "somehow, I'm not feeling excited, I should be but this guys could put up a fight."

Lucy and Ren look at y/n, amazed by y/n swordman skill.

Ren: "so this is the power of sparda."

Lucy: "yeah, even though I know him since I join fairy tail, I'm still amazed by it, he really is a truly sparda kin."

Y/n: "yo, guys, you guys alright?"

Lucy: "were fine! Thank for stopping them!"

Y/n smile then suddenly something snatch him, taking him away. The two blink of what just happened before leaving them in shock.

 The two blink of what just happened before leaving them in shock

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Lucy/Hibiki: "Y/N?!?!?"

Timeskip brought you by eve meet blonde short girl.


A flying look-alike dragon just snatch inside it mouth. Then I forcibly open it mouth.

Y/n: "ugh, your breath stinks!"

I was able to get out it mouth and then the mouth open to be a woman, thing.

I was able to get out it mouth and then the mouth open to be a woman, thing

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echidna: "you! I remember that face!"

Y/n: "sorry babe, do I know you? Because you're one ugly woman with nasty breath and I'm feel sorry for the guy who dated you."

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