•Like a Virgin•

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Richie's fit (hoodie is in his bag)

Richie's fit (hoodie is in his bag)

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Aura's fit

So there Aura was, pushed up against Richie Tozier in the girls restroom as Richie threw insults at the other girls

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So there Aura was, pushed up against Richie Tozier in the girls restroom as Richie threw insults at the other girls. Aura sort of zoned out but was soon snapped back into reality when she saw that Greta and her whores were walking out. Once the door closed Richie slowly let go of course still muttering swears at the situation that just occurred. Aura stood there staring at the tall boy in front of her that stared right back at her with a concerned expression. Aura however, had a look of amusement and gratefulness towards the boy and even if he didn't know in that moment Aura noticed all of his sharp stunning features.

"So uh- are you alright? You kinda look like shit- I mean not shit you just look like you're in a lot of pain not- not shit...." Richie sputtered out, mumbling the last part. Aura was pissed that he'd paid her to fight Greta but she also knows that she was the one that agreed to it anyways. Nonetheless, Aura could feel a grin tugging at her crimson lips as she watched Richie play with the rings on his fingers. Aura never noticed he wore rings. He only wore two so it wasn't very noticeable but when Aura thought about it, she didn't really noticed him at all.

"Hey it's all good at least I got some hits in right?" Aura said slightly laughing as she walked towards richie and pushed his shoulder lightly. Richie grinned and nodded while looking down so Aura wouldn't notice his very obvious blush. And although she did notice it she chose not to say anything.

"You should probably get outta here, we don't want anyone to think we're fucking or something." Aura said accidentally spilling out the last part. Aura cringed at her idiotic grammar.

"Hey what's so bad about that baby?" Richie said laughing and gripping his chest pretending to be hurt. Even though he wasn't fully pretending.

"I'm totally kidding love, but do you think you could help me with these damn cuts? My mom will freak if I come home like this." Aura said just shivering thinking about what her mom would say about her slight injuries. But also shivering at what she just called Richie.

"Love? I like it. But yeah you can come home with me if you want? Or we can go to Eddie's house. Actually no we can't his mom is home so-" Richie rambled but Aura was quick to interrupt.

"Your place is fine." Richie stood there and realized that they needed to leave right then.

"Yes ma'am." Richie said grabbing Aura's hand and taking it in his leading her out of the gross bathroom. They walked down the hall without talking, neither one of them wanting to break the silence or the grasp of their hands that they seemingly forgot about. Not Richie though. Richie would think about this moment for the rest of his life. Aura was too caught up in her own thoughts to think about her appendage being locked with his. The two walked down the grimy hall of the middle school and reach the spot by the lockers where Aura threw her bag down. Aura grabbed her bag with her left hand and kept her right hand intertwined with Richie's. Just another thought for Richie to think about all the time. The pair walked a little farther hand in hand and out the building on their way to the Tozier's residence. 

The two teenagers made it to Richie's house not breaking apart their hands the entire time. When they reached the door Richie reluctantly let go of the girls hand and unlocked the door to his house. The house was a good sized two story suburban house with a gorgeous big tree in the front yard. Without even going inside Aura could tell which room was Richie's just by looking up. One of the windows on the second floor was open just enough for her to see a unmade bed and band posters on the wall. Aura was knocked out of her thoughts when she felt a warm hand on the small of her back lightly pushing her forward. It was Richie's hand of course. When Aura walked in she saw a semi messy living room with pillows scattered on the couch and floor and ash trays laid out on the coffee table that also had three coffee mugs on it and a couple of tattered magazines. The kitchen was very clean though and as was the rest of what Aura could see. The house smelt of cigarettes and coffee surprisingly the smell wasn't very overwhelming and Aura almost immediately let the fragrance sink into her lungs. Richie sat there for a second looking at the girl with a smiling playing on his lips.

"Well this is the casa hot stuff. What do you think?" He said finally breaking the silence.

"It smells like you except no expensive cologne. I like it." Aura said surprising not only Richie but also herself.

"oh...thanks babe." Richie said as he took her hand in his once again leading her up to what she assumed was his room. When they got to the top of the stairs he looked at her before walking to a big dark blue painted door and opening it to reveal his room. It wasn't the neatest but it wasn't utterly disgusting either. It fit Richie well, and that really made Aura want to spend all her time in his room. Richie motioned for her to step in so she moved her feet and went in.

"I love it here Rich." Aura said gawking all of the things on his walls and the little things he had in his room. Richie had band posters mainly consisting of Queen, Guns N' Roses, Nirvana and he even had a AC/DC one. Aura noticed he had an ashtray of his own on his nightstand along with a yellow lighter and a playboy magazine peeking out from underneath his unmade bed. He had four skateboards plastered on his wall and one thrown on the floor at the foot of his bed. Aura could've scanned the room a million more times and still find something new every time but she decided that one look would be fine for now.

"I love my room too doll. So....let's fix your pretty face up yeah?" Richie said flashing a genuine smile at the girl Aura simply nodded and followed him over to the edge of his bed and sat down. His bed was really comfortable and honestly she wished she could just lay there forever but she knew she couldn't. Richie got up and went to the bathroom to grab some supplies Aura took that time to scan his room once more but this time she noticed his Walkman on the floor of his closet. Aura squinted her eyes to see what song was in and to her surprise, "Like a Virgin" by Madonna was placed in the device. Aura giggled to herself but stopped when she noticed Richie walk back in with medical supplies in his hands. He didn't notice her giggles so she didn't say anything yet.

"Okay baby c'mere" Richie said in a hushed tone as he gently grabbed Aura's neck and brought her in closer to him. He was being very careful with the girl as he cleaned up her cuts. Aura watched Richie with much admiration as he had a focused and determined look on his face. Once he was done he let go of her neck and put his hands in his lap playing with his rings again. Something he did when he was nervous or in this case- flustered.

"Well, how do you feel?" Richie said finally breaking the thick silence in the room.

"Like a virgin." Aura said with a straight face.

"Wha- Aura i can't take your card I-" Richie stuttered out with a extremely red and stressed face.

"No, no, no Richie I meant the song. Y'know...Madonna?" Aura said bursting out laughing at his clueless expression.

"No I don't know what you mean." Richie said rubbing the back of his neck with a worried look.

"Yeah well your Walkman says different honey." Aura said with a wink.

"Damnit I knew I should've hid that thing."

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