•fight for your right•

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Aura Mae Perez was one fierce 14 year old girl. She didn't take anyones shit and sure as hell not Greta Keene's or Henry Bowers's shit. Aura has been bullied by them since the fourth grade. The year her parents broke up. Her dad - Nate was a narcissistic guy and her mom - Maddy was a hopeless romantic (to an extent at least). The year of the breakup was a hard year for all three of them. Maddy wanted to get married but Nate had other plans. At the time Aura thought that maybe it was because they didn't like each other but that wasn't it, it couldn't be right? Her mom would cry every night while Aura was supposed to be sleeping. All Aura knew at the time was that she couldn't see her aunt Cassie anymore. That really hurt Aura , but it hurt her mom more. It hurt her mom more because Cassie was a backstabbing bitch and Nate? Well Nate's a dick. Aura now knows why she doesn't see aunt Cassie.

It was a gloomy day in Derry, Maine and something bad was brewing in the small towns middle school. Aura was wishing she was  walking down the halls with her life long friend Beverly Marsh. Beverly was accused of many things but an innocent girl wasn't one of them. Rumors had spread about Aura and Bev being lesbians like wildfire through the school but not many people believed it. Now, you may be wondering, what exactly was brewing? A fight. A fight between Greta Keene and Aura Perez. The plans for the fight had been made weeks prior. Aura had been counting down the days in her rustic pink planner. Once the day arrived Aura was ready to kick some ass. What caused these plans to be made exactly? Richie Tozier. You see Richie Tozier was the school's clown. He was known for being an absolute loser, joker, and just a little bitch in general. But as much as Aura claimed she hated his guts she always secretly wished he'd speak to her. Well, in a normal matter at least. So there Aura was strutting down the halls of the shitty middle school on her way to the fight that Richie had paid her to start. As Aura walked to the girls restroom with adrenaline, anticipation, and antidepressants pumping through her veins (aka the "three essential A's" as Aura liked to joke) she glanced over to see none other than the joker himself leaning against the rusty lockers. He smirked and walked towards her causing the short brunette to stop in her tracks.

" Hey toots" Richie said eyeing the girl up and down with a amused look on his face. For a moment she thought she saw him blush but she decided to brush it off.

"For the last time Richie, don't call me that." Aura said huffing and throwing her nice and neat backpack down and starting her mission to the restroom again. Richie rolled his eyes and followed the girl only to get the bathroom door slammed in his four-eyed face. Ouch.

"I told you man, you get zero game!" Stan said slightly giggling at the agitated teen boy.

"Y'know what Stanley? How about you shut the hell up and try to talk to a girl that's out of your league!" Richie spat out. Seeming slightly surprised at Richies sudden  outburst Stan decided to back off for now.

As aura walked into the gloomy bathroom of the Derry middle school she saw her opponent smirking evilly with her dimwitted crew stood a couple inches behind her.

"I thought we agreed this was a one on one match. Or are you just too stupid to hear?" Aura stated with venom in her tone.

"Oh please, you're just scared. Admit it." Greta said popping her gum obnoxiously while slowly getting closer into Aura's personal bubble.

"Move bitch." Aura said fully annoyed and ready to throw her enemy to the ground.

"Or what?"

And just like that Aura sent her fist right into Greta's face driving with her shoulder making sure to make Greta feel every hit from her bones to her soul. Greta fell to the ground with only a couple hits and Aura immediately took the opportunity to get on top of the bigger girl and go hellish on Greta. Soon enough though, Greta's sidekicks stepped in and pulled Aura off of their ruler and started to go at her. Aura is a smaller girl so it was quite difficult for her to get away. Aura struggling gave Greta just enough time to get up and start beating the shit out of the short brunette. Aura started screaming violently. Aura wasn't sure who she was even yelling for she was just hoping someone would come quick to help her out. Not save her no, Aura claimed she never needed to be saved she may need help but she doesn't need a hero. However, this summers future events may just tell her different. Aura kept screaming for help, asking for anyone at this point she was screaming for her life. After begging for Beverly, the staff, and even some random guy in her soc class Aura let a certain name slip from her mouth without even realizing she did.

"RICHIE FUCKING TOZIER HELP!!" Aura screamed desperately trying to get out of Greta and her friends grasps but right when she was about to give up the bathroom door flew open revealing Aura's "superhero" of the day.

"Hey big bitch get off of her! This ain't sumo wrestling cmon what is this shit?!" Richie said running towards Aura and grabbing her subconsciously bringing her into a tight embrace with his left arm being around the frail girls waist and his right around her huddled torso with his right hand on her head in a protective manner. This small gesture made Aura feel safe in a way even though she'd never admit it to him...or would she?

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