Narrator/Juicy/Eddie "Miserable at Best"

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Been feeling a kinda mood for a few weeks so I thought I'd put it into words. Miss writing for this book and I'll be writing a lot more very soon!!!


"Grant!" Eddie called from the dirt path ahead

Looking up, I ran after my best friend while the warm summer sun just appeared from the clouds.

"Wait up dumbass!" I yelled back

Chasing after my friend, I almost tripped on the floor mat that was supposed to prevent us from slipping.

"You okay?" Eddie asked
"Yeah I'm alright! Come on let's go!"
"Hey wait that's cheating!"

Eddie and myself, separated by one singular grade, just hung out with each other because we had common interest throughout our past. If I was being honest, I was sure I wasn't gonna see him again.

"Come... Grant... Testing... Tomorrow." The words slurred together
"Eddie wait! Come back!" I yelled as my friend got too far ahead of me

Wake up...

It was all just a dream... a cruel dream. Eddie wasn't here, instead he was living about half an hour away from my house, now that we were adults and had our own houses. Between the dream and now, about ten years have passed. Since then, I've only seen Eddie once out of those ten years. I was eight when I met Eddie, who was nine at the time.

"Stupid dream. Maybe it's time I just forget it. I haven't seen him in five years." I grumbled

Crawling out of bed, I reluctantly walked into the bathroom and put on a spare shirt, brushing my teeth on the way out to the hallway. My roommate, Spencer, and his dog sat on the couch as I walked back into my room and put my stuff away, spitting into the sink and sighing before dabbing my face with water to wake myself up.

"Just get ready for the day. I've got stuff to do."

I put on my glasses, heading back into my room and out into the hall. Walking past Spencer, he nodded at me and said he was going out real quick before he started streaming.

"Okay. I'll let the dog out and Lily can stay inside."
"Cool! I'll be right back man!"
"Yeah... sure."

Without a second thought, Spencer left and closed the door behind him, soon getting into his bright white truck. I let out his dog so she could go outside and have fun while Lily and I worked around in the house.

"Mrow." My cat purred as she jumped onto the counter
"Not now Lily. I gotta go do work."

I quickly fed her, making sure to have her bowl on a higher spot so the dog wouldn't reach it.

"I'll be in my room Lily. Please try not to bother Daddy while he works." I said sweetly to my cat

Setting up my computer, I saw a message from Josh saying a new friend would be joining our little group with Mully. While getting ready, I jumped on Discord to talk about what we would be doing today. Ten minutes went by and I was trying to stay focused, only thinking about some weird dream I had the other day. Suddenly, a familiar voice and face caught my attention as it logged onto the group.

"Oh hey Eddie!" Mully said

I looked up from my keyboard, staring right into the camera. Eddie smiled and waved, not saying anything else aside from that.

"Eddie? Oh my god it's been awhile." I said
"Hey Grant! I missed you buddy!"
"Me too man! I didn't know you would be here!"
"Yeah me neither! I heard you were busy today!"

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