Eddie/Narrator "Stalker's Tango"

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Yandere Narrator AND Yandere Eddie?! Hell yeah! Let's go! Enjoy!

Narrator pov

"See ya tomorrow Narrator!" Eddie called as he walked out the front door

Eddie and Gabby walked back to their car to go home since it was already late and traffic was a bitch.

"Damn it."

My cat Lily jumped onto the counter and rubbed her body against my arms that I had crossed on the countertop.

"Hi Princess." I said softly while I pet her head

The door suddenly opened which caused me to jump. I turned around and noticed it was Eddie, standing in the doorway with a garbage bag full of clothes and a suitcase with some wires sticking out of it.

"Eddie?" I asked

Eddie sighed and threw his bandana at the wall.

"Hey what's wrong?"

Eddie looked like he was going to cry and it broke my heart. I hated seeing my friends cry. Oh wait...

Eddie's more than just MY friend...

"She's gone." He muttered
"She dumped me! She threw the ring in my face and said she was done!" He sobbed

He slid against the wall and curled into a ball, crying his eyes out. I sat next to him, putting an arm on his shoulder.

"I loved her! What did I do wrong?" He asked me between sobs

I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't even have a clue why Gabby could just walk out on Eddie, the person who loved her the most.

"Hey. It's okay. She'll come around." I said

Eddie shook his head and stood up, walking over to the suitcase and picking it up.

"Okay. Third door on the left, you can stay there for however long you need to." I added

A few days later...

Gabby still hasn't called or texted any of us in a few days. Eddie started to lose hope that his relationship with Gabby was still salvageable. Eddie spent most of his time sitting in his new room crying or sitting in the bed not moving at all. He only came downstairs to eat or take a piss.

"Poor Eddie. He didn't deserve that."

At least... that's what I would say if I cared at all for what Gabby does. She took all his attention that could've been spared with me but no, she always had to be the one who captured his affections.

"Oh hey Narrator." Eddie called as he rubbed his eyes and walked down the stairs

I looked up from what I was doing, smiling a little at my crush.

"Morning Eddie. You doing okay dude?" I asked

Eddie yawned and sat at the counter, resting his chin on the cold marble, staring at the knife I was using to chop up the chicken I was going to cook.

"What are you doing?" I asked

Eddie just shrugged his shoulders.

"Did you see what Gabby did?"

He pulled out his phone and clicked on Twitter, showing me her account. She had tweeted that her and Eddie had broken off the marriage at an agreed consensus, just going to be friends for awhile.

"Ouch. I'm really sorry Eddie."
"Thanks man."

He stood up and walked towards the front door, putting on a hoodie and some shoes.

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