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By -LillyMillieBug- . . . Quite a while ago actually, I may have missed it XD


1) Favourite quote?

Probably Dolly Parton actually: "the way I see it, if you want a rainbow you've got to put up with the rain".
Idk there are probably many more

2) last song you listened to?

Wild by Carly Rose and Goody Grace.

3) what is your lock screen?

A picture of my two year old brother . . .

No I'm not putting a picture here. 

4) if you could be an animal, what would you be?

Er. . .  A Manatee (also known as Sea Cow) I think, it just seems like a really peaceful, beautiful life. Or a seal, but that seems kinda risky. Maybe dolphin?

5) an epic pic?

My reflection, duh. Jk:


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6) any wattpad book recommendations?

I don't have tons to be honest, there aren't that many brilliant books to my taste.  I can only really think of a few of my favourites that I follow, sanomanjir0u's book Untamed Heart and a couple of -fxllen_angel's. All great reads I would recommend:)

7) give me a picture of an attractive person.

Well, I already used myself so yk . . .

We're screwed. You're getting nothing, that's my last shred of dignity and I will maintain it.

8) what's a random fact about yourself?

Here's a shocker for everyone who doesn't know me, I have a stutter. It only comes up obviously when I'm stressed/upset because it's an overload to my mind so yh

9) what would you wish for if you had one wish?

Complete happiness and peace to everyone, everywhere, myself included. That solves everything I suppose. World hunger, wars, dictators, murders. Every problem ever. That's what I'd wish.

10) tags.

I've already tagged three people by purely mentioning them so I'll do seven more. These are just random, sorry if I missed someone :)

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