Second Chance

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POV Marinette:

It's already three months since the death of Adrien. I'm released from the hospital after spending two months there. I couldn't believe what Luka told me one month ago. I thought that he was outside the country and not in a dark hole 5 feet under the ground, I remember Luka when he told me about that sacrifice that Adrien did for me, I was devastated, sad, and I thought that I don't have another reason to live if he is gone. That night, I was laid on my back on our bed, were we had love for the first time Adrien and me, where we shared a lot, where we cuddle. That night, I decided to end my life. I was wearing a nightgown; the breeze was blowing through it. I walked to the balcony and stand on the rails of the balustrade; I was about to jump but two strong arms held me and hugged me tight. It was Luka holding me tight in his arms, I remember what Luka said, and that's what gave me hope to live

Luka: how could you kill yourself? How could you be weak? Do you think that Adrien will be happy? you promised him to live for him, for you. He sacrificed his life and die for you just to die after that? you never thought about his son in your belly? You won't kill yourself only, but your son too. I know how hard is what happened, I lost my brother, I spent a whole 20 years with him, but I promised him something and I will keep my promise, the promise that I will protect you and be always with you. Let's live for him, let's do what he wanted, and one day, I'm sure we will meet with him in a better world.

I went with Luka to Adrien's grave with some flowers. Luka and me holding hands, we can't even cry anymore, we already cried all the tears we had.

Marinette: hey Luka, we lost him forever, right?

Luka: it was my fault, I should know

Marinette: no, it wasn't your fault, we didn't think he would do it

Luka: I miss him so much, he would be beside me right now, we would laugh, talk, smile. I miss his voice, I miss our usual handshake, I miss my brother. I just lost him after 20 years. He was my first friend, we shared everything, absolutely everything. When we loved you, he sacrificed his feelings because he doesn't want to hurt me. we were talking about everything, our feelings, our private lives. How could he do that to me? to us?

Marinette: we planned our future, with our kids. We planned how many kids we will have, we planned their names, we planned everything. The day that we planned to have a baby, we made a long shopping day, we bought many things, for a male baby. He was sure that our first baby will be a boy. We dreamed together; we promised each other to grow old together. He is my boyfriend for 3 years; I had the best years of my life. I never thought that one day I will lose him. I lost him the day of my birthday, the day that we planned to get married.

Luka: I can't cry anymore. I don't have any more tears to cry. I don't want to believe that I won't see him in my life again. he wasn't only my best friend, he was my brother, my father, my friend. We supported each other always, we never let each other down

Marinette: hey Adrien, my kitty, my everything. Me and Luka miss you so much. Look at our puffy eyes, you know, we can't cry anymore. You didn't leave only your best friend and your future wife, but you left your son who doesn't have the chance to meet you. I promise you that I will visit you every day, and tell you about my day. me and Luka set a wedding date as you wanted. It will be after one month.

Luka: someone else is missing you my friend, Plagg is sleeping always on your pillow. I feel that he understands what happened. Already three months without you. That image of you, almost frozen when I first saw your dead body doesn't leave my mind.

I laid my head on Luka's shoulder, looking at Adrien's grave, I just remembered what he always tells me

Adrien: I'm always here for you little bug, whatever happened, you will find me with you and I won't never let you down

Prove of loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें