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POV Marinette:

We left the airport and we left to Alya's apartment. It was cool, not huge but comfortable, pleasant and well decorated.

Alya: I will show our famous boys their room.

They nodded and they followed Alya to a huge room, with a large bed in the middle.

Alya: you will spend the night here all three of you, but for sure we will have fun, we will need beds only for sleeping. Today we are going to the dancing club, I will cook the dinner with Marinette and Nino then we leave. It would be a bit cold at night so wear a bit warm.

Alya left both boys in the room. they put the suitcases on the bed. Adrien sat on the edge, he rested Plagg on his laps and stared at Luka who was picking clothes for tonight.

Adrien: hey Bisman, is it ok that we sleep in the same bed together, I mean two men and a woman between us?

Luka (while checking for pants): where is the problem?

Adrien: I... I don't know, a bit awkward

Luka: want me to tell you the reason you are afraid?

Adrien: say it

Luka: because you love her and you are afraid to hold her or something else in the bed.

Adrien (while caressing Plagg): W... What? For sure not, I don't, she is just a....

Luka: just a friend? Yeah, yeah, I already know that, I'm already pissed off this word. But you know I'm right and you love her. woant me to remind you the accident in the bank? Holding hands? you think I don't see that? why don't you be honest with yourself and admit it

Adrien: I won't admit it, because isn't true. I'm going out to buy new clothes for today, are you coming?

Luka: no, I will stay here to sleep a bit, I'm tired

Adrien: fine then, see ya brother

Adrien left the apartment to check for new clothes, meanwhile Alya was hearing everything from the conversation. Alya goes in, and found out Luka searching again for pants which fit his big ass

Alya: I heard everything

Luka: what exactly?

Alya: about Adrien, in love with Marinette, I'm sure he loves her

Luka: he is a fuckin stubborn

Alya: I think Mari loves him so much too

Luka: I know that too, they are both dumb, she doesn't want to admit or to confess, and he is dumber and blond more than her. but I think I have an idea to check the dumb feelings

Alya: and how blueberry?

Luka: from all the nicknames that Adrien and Mari called me, this is the worst. I need Mari in the plane, and do you know a friend of yours, hot and sexy that can help us?

Alya: I know, not hot like you and Adrien but hot

Luka (while cleaning his throat): o... ok, let's go the kitchen and plan for this night

The two of them joined me and Nino in the kitchen, we were cooking the dinner. Alya got the task to cut the vegetables, I got the task to season the steaks and Nino and Luka sit on the stools

Marinette: where is Adrien?

Luka: he left to buy some new clothes for today night. Alya, you start

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