Chapter 15: Back to Class

Start from the beginning

Well I remember it now... but it feels like someone else's memory, not mine.

"Well is Edgar your son?"

I... I'm unsure. It's possible. Perhaps that's why he's taken such a keen interest in you.

"But what would he want with me?"

Perhaps he's here to save me from your thick skull?

"How would he know I'm here. Like you said no one should be able to tell."

Maybe he can sense the same thing I sensed in you.


I don't know.

"Well what do you know!" I said angrily, almost wake a few people around me.

A hell of a lot more than you.

"Yeah? Well why don't you get the hell out of my head if your so smart?"

You think I like being in here? Stuck having to hang around with Mudbloods, and Potter?

"At least those mudbloodsss care about me and not just their own well-being!" I hissed.

Yeah like any Mudblood could give you the power I've given you! Like a mudblood could have taught you what I've taught you! Give you the opportunities that I have! If that mudblood friend of yours is so great why don't you ask her to help you kill!

I remained silent. Tom had a point, there wasn't a mudblood that could help me like Tom could.


"I'm sorry."

That's better. As much as I hate to admit it I need you just as much as you need me (Y/n).


I woke up late the next morning, feeling as though I hadn't slept at all, although I was accustomed to this feeling by now.

I dressed quickly, not even bothering to put on my tie, and left the dorm, to a variety of applause and jeering from the Slytherins. I ignored most of them and left the dungeons, heading towards the Great Hall.

"Hey Ron!" I called to my brother as I caught him leaving the Great Hall.

"What? Come to rub in the fact that Harry likes you more than me? Just leave me alone!" He said to me before turning his back and heading up the marble staircase.

Ungrateful little slug. We should make him pay.

"We can't. He's our brother."

And that matters why? We could make him pay. You know your mum likes him more than she likes us.

I didn't realize that I had pulled my wand out from inside my robe, and stuffed in hastily back into a pocket.

"It doesn't matter, we just can't."


I looked at the Great Hall, feeling sick. I didn't want to have to face everyone in there. I'm sure most of them thought I had cheated to get in.

"Hello," said a familiar dream voice, and I turned around to see Luna standing behind me holding a stack of toast.

"I thought you'd want to avoid the Great Hall." She said handing a piece of toast to me.

I took in from her before pulling her into a hug. "Thank you."

"Shall we go outside? I know a secluded place in the forest." I smiled letting her lead the way.

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