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From night, to a new dawn of a new day, Jake looks out the window of the moving vehicle, the crew are chatting amoung them selves, Jake and Ringer were quite but exchanged glances at each other from time to time.

Danny the driver of the vehicle pulls off onto a shoulder, he shuts the vehicle down and takes a deep breath. "What the fuck did we witness tonight." Ringer looks over at him and says "fuck if I know, we have everything really we need, this guy surely was not supposed to die but, he was targeted." Danny looks down and states "he didn't have to that's the God damn point, fucking Jake and Vega could have stopped it from happening, but no they played grab ass behind a parked car."

Jake turned away from the window and looks at Danny, "shut your damn mouth, we didn't wanna risk are cover being blown." Danny now quite furious with Jake says "Oh you wanna talk about cover being blown ok prick." Just before Danny could get one last blow on Jake porsh stepped in "listen to your selves, I mean for fuck sake we both or well, all of us could have been killed so it's really no one's fault, he would have been killed anyway, what's the point."

Danny opens his door ready to rip Jake into well shredded cheese but before he unclasped his seat belt he says with a shit eating tone, "Oh Jake your really going to let your sister, who is slow, slower then you fight your battle, god you really are pathetic, if you wanna go then let's fucking dance boy."

Porsh scoots back near Vega, visibly upset near vivid tears, Vega keeps her calm, Ringer trys to keep the situation from being unhinged to becoming a full blown fight.

Danny now near Jake's door began to well punch it, after just one hit he walks off, out into the night not before saying, "You people find your way back, I'll go by my self then huh huh that's what you people fucking want right, well then good night to yall and go fuck yourselves."

Jake gets out the vehicle and yells after for Danny to come back, "DANNY, DANNY GET BACK HERE PLEASE!"

After to no use he then says "were not mad, well not all of us, you got worked up and I get that, it's how every soldier feels going into a warzone, but by the end, youl be proud of yourself, please come back."

Jake falls to his knees, almost as if he lost a brother, he'll show up tho he thought, Ringer was in the driver seat position now, Vega and porsh huddled in the back, it seems the whimpering as died down he thought.

"Phew, mate finally got er to sleep, bout time that fight didn't escalate man."

Jake takes out his phone from his pocket, he unlocked to call the cheif but before he found his contact a call from a unlisted number came through, Jake nervous but was curious who it would be answers the phone.

"This is Jake speaking."

"Finaly, we talk huh, it's been idk years man."

"Who is this, how the hell you get this number."

"Well its Nathaniel Spade, I am a hobo undernet conspiracy hunter, been following the story for years, people say your the big cheese for taking out the head boss of Crystal Entertainment, we should talk business."

"Look, I don't know you like at all and what you mean following, dude that's fucking creepy shit dude."

"Look, Jake we both know there's no time left, your in a ticking time bomb of the conspiracy, the detonator will tick zero, and when it does youl be dead, everyone you know, they clean up any ties Jake, your no longer an asset to Ravenwood PMC, nor your dad's, play toy I should quote it as."

"How do you know what this is, or maybe better yet you could tell me what this is."

"Jake, you need to leave San Francisco now, it's not safe, eyes and ears everywhere big brother you know, look I know about the chips, I know who Is behind production of them, it's Ringer Jake, Sean Redic, look, get porsh and Danny you and Vega away from there, meet me some place I'll buy the first round of coffee I'll be waiting."

Ringer says it's time to go and get back to the task on hand.

The phone call he had going ended, but a number texted him a place Duluth Iowa, just outside the city he said, it's safe no were near the entertainment company or pmcs.

Jake enters the vehicle, he puts the seat belt on as Ringer pulls onto the road, "so what was that about." Ringer askes, "wrong number, didn't have much to say I guess." Jake says.

The drive for them was well how do you say, far from being pleasant, but with only one missing I guess the crew can say there in peace, Jake continued to look out the window, he stares at the other side of the city filled with lightning from eye to eye, all he could say well was, "I wish I was given another chance."

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