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The eyes fade in and out, the pain that exteeds from the ribs, his body being lowered by men onto what appears to be a medical bed, the last thing Jake ever saw before blacking out from painkillers.
End Flash Back~
A few months go by yes sure it was spent recovering from big injuries yea, but Jake was descend to get back into the field, yeah hering the news on tv makes him angry, the snarking of his last name yea sure the hymm last name means nothing, nor does it now with the entertainment business scandle.
The tv lights the dark room with the volume up to here the anchors talk, the people are nasty, ill, hatred tords the last name, one of the anchors who used to be nice said "And in other news, crystal entertainment company is underfire after the deaths a few months ago, two people were found dead along with a security gard, warrents were served to a few key employees, some top executives and other security gards." Another news flash with the headline, "Jack Hymm and James Crystal found dead due to a huge conspiracy regarding the agency's business." Another channel flipped to a news report talking about connections with crystal entertainment and Ravenwood regarding security detail.
A figure awakes from the couch very awake but pissed, he walks over and grabs a glass and walks into the bathroom, the glass filled with Well not so rich liquor but not shabby rum, he removes his clothing and looks into the mirror to see his ribs completely healed, but with minor bruising he starts a heated bath in the tub with not so warm water, grabs suds to fill it, he then sets his drink on the toilet seat lid, and begins to dip his body in the tub he bends his achey body, he then turns on a music Playlist on his phone, the faggio 50s collection.
"You know life is strange, but personally, life can come with some perks." Jake begins to pick up his drink and takes a sip, the door is opened by a female her voice very peachy, but almost melancholy, "Hey what ya doing." Jake finches as his body from the rapid movement began to strike pain, he dropped his glass, "son of a bitch, my fucking drink, can people for once learn that when doors are closed, it means someone is busy."
Jake did not know it was Porsha, she began to be scared and wimper. The sound radiates through out the house, "fucking Christmas, people always around, I thought after the news people won't show but I guess, they came because of Christmas.
The hall were Danny stood, Jake's mother, her family, Tianna, and even his brother stood, they all whisper and began to look at Jake with disappointment, Jake didn't know whether or not to respond but I guess as such everyone left him be that was till dinner, Jake wasn't feeling well well could be his ribs acting up or he had a stomach bug, he just sat on the couch, a protein smoothie was in Jake's hand, every one at the table looked in on him but would turn away.
Danny finished eating, "so, Mrs hymm what's up with Jake lately, I mean that yelling was un called for." Jake's mother agrees with him,"yea, it was I mean I don't think he knows about his sister porsha very well, I mean she hates being yelled at, but we're always patient when she is a little slow at things." "But like learning new things, or like slow as in you know." Jake's mother notices were this is going, so she changed the subject, after the Quant meal that had left overs, they celebrated by entering the living room were Jake was.
Jake got up and left toward his room, he didn't forget to grab the bottle of rum of the table tho, his mom and the other guests along with the family all loom at him as he slams the door, Jake's mother says to herself,"poor Jake, he is going through so much I mean healing, people, porsha and even of all, the loss of his father.

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