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A/N This is the 3rd chapter of this new book what yall think, anyhow enjoy this chapter please...

PS: This chapter may contain sexual content, such as inuendos, and may include content such as intercorse, this chapter is rated +18..

A black luxury suv cruises through the town as sun begins to set over the ridge of the mountain, the city's light begin to shine, color folds in on luxury stores such as, fieltus, and The Brim, the suv makes a sudden turn into a Quant little bar, not a sports bar but something classy to have a casual night.

Jake pulls into a parking space and turns off the vehicle,"ok everyone, this is just a stop to have 1 beer and get going alright, we need to plan so no girls, and nothing over 1 or 2 beers." Danny pipes his tone up,"your one to talk, all you think about is tail Jake, you just want a dirty vixen on your draws huh." "That's a little much don't yall think Danny." "Oi, what about porsh back er man, ya mad talk needs to end yea?"

"Guys I am a big girl, I can handle it ok?" Danny looks back he chuckles under his breath,"Ha, yea right, what do you even know about it huh."

The guys entered the bar and head to a table, it was very lavish but some high class couples here, a young woman server approaches there table.

"Hey yall, welcome what can I get start for you guys tonight." Everyone orders a glass of beer, but porsh she well prefers to opt for a water with lemon.

Danny laughing but very quiet not to be loud,"so, you don't drink or is it because mama says alcohol is bad." Porsh looks down, she hangs her head low like she's shamed.

"That's, to far huh."

"Anyways, work related what do we do about all this, I mean it seems pretty serious you know."

"Jake please, when have you ever talked about work during a drink huh?"

Ringer chimes in his two cents,"not since we last saw each other, I belive it was during are mission detail in China, last time I belive we really talked, good liquor I should say."

Jake Wallced over to the bar, as he sits down to well away from the people talking about work he meets this woman.

This girl was beautiful, wore a luxury trench coat, leggings and even, let's say had a unique charming smile.

"Hello sir, I am a news journalist from the Las Vegas times."

Jake looks at her up and down, but then faces the bar not knowing he says,"Hey, gin or a whiskey and coke."

"I don't know, looks all tempting, pick your poison."

The girl orders two glasses of gin and soda, she began to speak about what she is inquiring about.

"So, you know about crystal huh, I heard lots of rumors my self about it but never knew really, if they were true."

Jake looked about pale as a ghost, he can remember all the stuff about his past ordeal with him.

"Yea, not really a fan, I've had a run into but I guess you can say there true, and trust me because I was kidnapped by them."

Jake and the girl both take a sip of their drinks, the woman plants a hand on Jake's thigh, Jake surprised from the sudden movement but, trying not to think bad thoughts, he remains in the seat trying to hide his horniness under neath the bar.

"Very tense I see, I can imagine huh, you know it's not all that bad, you live to tell the story even if people dirt your name, all that matters is your alive "

The girl began to move her hand In a circle motion on his hand, Jake not being able to move or nothing, it's like something possessed him to be horny transfixed on this woman.

Jake leaned near the woman, he then planted his lips on to hers, Jake having thin lips and the girl having puffy lips made the kiss extra special to him, they sat there for a good solid minute, lips locked a hug starting to form, he couldn't contain the sexual disere.

"Jake's been gone long don't ya think."

Danny askes, the guys look at the bar to see well ofcorse Jake, but also another woman kissing him.

Porsh asked "huh, so Jake leaves when we're talking about work but then plant's him self at a woman."

Danny well laughing but also filming the hot smut kiss going on at the bar he's very indowed in that kiss he thought "wow, Jake won't have a clue about this tonight cause that gin has huge amounts of alcohol he is toasted."

Ringer and Vega are both stering, they both have the biggest grins on there face looking at the sight of a life time.

Danny well he stops filming the kiss and tells the rest to lean in cause he wanted to tell the most embarrassing moment before Jake comes back.

"It reminds me when Jake was a student, caught him kissing a girl once, it was actually quite funny if you ask me, he just pleaded to not be in trouble."

The crew at the table start to laugh there heads off, they all were just in a fit of laughter it was quite the night they all thought, porsh broke the laughing fit.

"Aww, big brother I didn't know about your little loving ego, it's cute."

Danny just laughs even hard he is cracking up before saying.

"Porsha, god damn that was a corny roast, I'll give ya that but, he got burned to a crisp."

Vega begins to speak after almost spiting up her remaining beer.

"Damn, Danny your in your 50s, and you know what roasting is Jesus, porsha is a Saint, but you Danny God, how the hell are you even familiar with the terms we use now and days aye."
After a couple of hours, nearly closing time for the bar they head out, but no Jake to be in sight or at leased they thought, as the group approaches the suv they can see Jake, passed out, and slumped over near the dashboard.

The group open the door and help him out, they move him to the trunk, they all climb in to the vehicle together, as Danny starts up the car the rest of them stayed in the back with Jake in case of alcohol poisoning occurs.

Danny says,"Jesus fuck, how is he, he looks out of it."

Ringer states,"Well, he's ok, but have to support his side, so in case of him vomiting."

Just then Jake spews his guts on the trunk floor, they roll down windows in the front and back of the vehicle to help the smell retread.

Jake half awake,"wer were are we."

Danny says "well, we're headed back home you need rest and you need to get ready for are work tomorrow."

Jake agrees on that decision.
That night Jake fast asleep in his bed, he cept tossing and turning even at one point started murmuring.


A room that looks similar to a hotel that he stayed at in China, a small fridge and TV are in a corner.

Jake is seen with another woman, the woman he met at the bar during his drink binge, Jake laying on the bottom while the woman is on top, they were making out like to rabbits going into heat, the girl makes a sudden movement with her hand to grab his erect member, she begin to stroke it pretty soft but gradually got more and more fast.

Jake was quivering and contain the devious act, his face was clinching, the girl says with a sly tone "hmm well, look who has a thing for berry news girls huh, thought you were to popular for it."

She begin to move her body and plant it on his hard member, she began to bounce her body, and move with rhythm while picking up the pace.

Jake was close, he could feel it.

(End dream)

He awoke, and we'll scream into a pillow, he then fell back to sleep not knowing, that will be stuck there for a good while.

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