037; the month of love

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"And I like spending all my time with you, in a quality time sort of way." Rosemary replied as he stared at her with a smile.

"You really like spending all your time with me?" He asked, receiving a quick nod, "what about your self-care Saturdays?"

"Happily." She smiled.

"You don't mind if I crash those every week?"

"Not at all."

"Noted." He nodded once with a small laugh, "so sex won't satisfy you?"

"I didn't say that." Rosemary told him, "I said money won't satisfy me, sex is not the only thing though."

"...So if I crashed a self-care Saturday and then we had sex, that would be like the best evening of your life?"

"...Are you trying to tell me you want to have sex with me?" She laughed at him as he shook his head.

"No, this is hypothetical." Corbyn told her.

"I can think of things that would top the evening but it would be nice." She shrugged.

"But obviously the guy has to be good at sex, we can't have James strutting in there thinking he's the shit." Corbyn explained as he folded his arms.

"All you talk about is James and my one date with him," she shook her head and smiled while he let out a sigh, "why don't we talk about your love life?"

"My love life is you." Corbyn told her as she went quiet, "you're my fake girlfriend, I'm kind of... I don't know what we are but I kiss you."

"I thought you'd be seeing someone else, you know." Rosemary admitted as he raised her eyebrows at her, "...what?"

"That'll look so sketchy to the cameras."

"I mean in private, obviously. You flirt really easily and a lot of girls are interested in you, I-"

"Girls are not interested in me." He laughed, "Rose, do I need to remind of the last girl who was interested in me? She lives in New York and-"

"I don't live in New York." Rosemary interrupted him as he stared at her for a few seconds, a frown growing on her face as she took another sip of her coffee and glanced around the cafe.

"...I didn't think you were interested."

"I kiss you for a reason." She smiled at him as he nodded.

"Yeah but if someone else came along and caught your eye... you know." He shrugged, taking a sip of his drink as she shook her head at him, "you'd go for them."

Rosemary watched him go quiet again while waiting for her reaction, sipping on his coffee as she stared at each other in silence for a few moments before she eventually let out a small sigh and shook her head.

"And I go on tour... I travel for months at a time." Corbyn continued, "and you run a store so you can't be away from it to come with me.. I figured you'd be more interested in someone who is also a homebody."

"...Isn't this the whole idea of seeing where things go?" Rosemary asked him with a small smile.

"I don't want to be the one to break your heart because I can't be what you need." Corbyn said as she slowly nodded with her smile fading, "if things progress with us, I'm scared that I can't
be the perfect guy for you."

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