Chapter Eight: Away

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"W-Woobin?". She rubbed her eyes but saw me instead.

"You really think I'm Woobin huh?".

As soon as she saw a clear image of who was here with her, she got up and placed her back on the headboard. With the sheets covering her before rubbing her eyes, "Lisa? What are you doing here?".

"Why are you surprised?". I cocked a brow and stood up.

"Because it's not like I get to wake up with the sight of you every night". As soon as she said that, I knew she wanted to take it back. Her snarky-sarcastic comments. Of course, this is Jennie we're talking about.

"You pretend like I committed a crime by coming in here".

"Because this is wrong, Lisa". She started, "I'm a soon-to-be-married woman. You and I both know how it goes.. when we're alone together".

"Are you scared of being alone with me?". I moved closer and sat close to her.

"Lisa, I don't want to ruin what I have with him". She bit her bottom lip.

"But you ruined what we had together. Why is that?". I questioned, "Is it because I was that empathetic to your needs? It seems like you're always detached from your emotions, Jennie". I harshly said back and watched her get up to furiously look at me.

"Don't you fucking dare start with this bullshit!". She raised her finger at me, "You don't know the shit that I went through and still go through and just because you came here to get what you want, means you can fucking insult me for all the times you weren't here, to witness it!".

I sarcastically smiled at her, "You pretend like I was the reason why we broke it off, or why you left. When all I wanted was to be there for you!".

"Well, whatever we had. It's fucking done". Jennie fiercely looked at me.

"You don't justify your actions, don't you?". I inched closer, "Walking away, hurting people, and then blaming it on everyone but you, yourself".

My words were cutting right into her roots.

"If you think I'm that fucking narcissistic, then why are you here?". She looked into my eyes, sarcasm pouring out of her lips like it was the sanest thing ever.

But I'm not sane.

"Because I love you".

Jennie seemed taken aback but she knew just the right hurtful words to say, "Save your love for someone else".

"Why are you damn stuck up your ass that you don't see what you've done?". I clenched my jaw.

"Lisa. Get out of my face".

"And what if I don't?". I titled my head and inched my head closer to her face.

"You will regret this.. we will".

Jennie tried to hide the pain in her voice, but I heard and sensed it, "Please, just leave..".

I backed away and fled the scene.

This doesn't make sense at all.

How can someone know all the right ways to push you away, yet you crave more? Jennie pushed on my buttons, but her actions never made sense to me. And, here I am trying to make sense of whatever sanity was left inside of me.

Why was she in so much pain?

Phantom RegretOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora