~Chapter 11 - never do that again~

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"you don't have an escort yet?" Ivy whisper-shouted. "No I don't" to be honest I completely forgot about asking someone to come with, everyone was dancing with a partner, turns out Belly had forgot as well so I walked over to her, "Belly, did you forget too?"
"No I kinda screwed things up with Can yesterday after 6 margaritas."
"Oh shit, I'm sorry"
"Ladies! I am your waltz instructor for the ball, so you will listen to me, get with your partners please!"
"Wanna be partners, just for today?" Belly asked me. So we held hands and followed the old ladies steps. "God I hate dancing." I whispered to Belly. "I actually love dancing" she said smiling. "Um so, what's been going on with Conrad recently?"
"Well, I found this necklace and I think Conrad meant to give it to be on my birthday, yesterday I confronted him about it but he was just really awkward about it?"
"Oh cool, anything else?"
"We almost kissed" she whispered so Nicole couldn't hear. "Shut UP!" I replied, a bit loud since everyone started giving weird looks. "Shhhhhhhhhhhhh" Belly hushed.

"Now that we have the steps, let's pick up the pace." The lady announced to the room.
So we did and surprisingly, I was quite good, Belly on the other hand, kept stepping on my feet and doing the wrong moves, to which we both laughed at. "Hey mind if I have this dance?"  Jeremiah came over and said. "Yeah, yeah sure she's all yours." Belly said giving me an excited smile and walking off to get a drink. "Uh hey Jere." I was actually really happy he turned up, surprised but happy. "Hey"
"Uh you are gonna get me in trouble with Paige" I said, pointing at his see-through lifeguard vest. He whistled at Steven who then gave him his blazer and Jere put it on.
"Ok Harry Styles." Nicole muttered under her breath and I laughed. Then we started to dance, except, he was moving to the side while we danced,"Does Jere ever take anything seriously?" Shayla commented and Steven replied, "Yeah food and flirting"
When we got close to the table he said, "Hey Alexa, play 'So Pretty'"
"Jere, Jeremiah no NO!" I said as he let go of me and started to dance on his own, catching everyone's attention, and god he looked kinda hot. I playfully shoved him and everyone started cheering. Shortly after, everyone else started dancing too, including me and it was SO FUN. "What is going on here?" Paige walked in and asked Jeremiah, "Alexa stop" she said. "Jeremiah Fisher, why aren't you at the pool?"
"We had a code brown and we lost the keys to the chemical closet." He said. Paige opened something, got a key from it and tossed it to Jeremiah. "Thanks, catch you later Mels" he winked and walked out. I told him not to do that again, Bitch. I noticed Conrad at door and I guess Belly and Nicole did too, he waved at well one of them because they both waved back, Belly awkwardly put her hand down and just stood there, poor thing. I gave Conrad a stare and continued dancing with Belly when she got a message, "Conrad I assume?"
"Yeah, it says see you when you get back"
"oooOooOooOooOooOoOOOO" I said just joking around and she got really flustered causing me to giggle.


"What if I was just a pity fuck?"  What the hell did I just walk outside to. "Laurel you could never be a pity fuck!" I shouted turning around, I did not want to be apart of that conversation. Ok... Everyone was gone, Jere and Steven were working, Belly was out with Cam Cameron, Conrad was fishing and Rya- wait where was Ryan, I thought to myself. Then, I got a text from Ryan, "sorry I didn't tell you Mel but I'm at Ivy's rn" I smiled as I looked at my phone.
I decided to get changed and go in the pool so I did but I got bored so I went inside and a little later I came outside again to see Jeremiah in a leaf crown and shorts, "What's with the crown?"
"My mom's painting me as Hermes, Messenger of the gods." He told me.
"I'm excited to see that painting then." I said. "Of course you are" he said winking and sitting up. "I swear I told you to never wink again on the first day here." I reminded him. "Oh yeah, sucks for you"
We both paused for a minute, "so what have you been up to?" He asked me. "Well I was just in the pool, then I got changed and read Harry Potter in my room for a bit and now I'm here."
"What have you been doing?"
"Work, posing for a portrait and watching the moms be high-key stoned."
"WAIT WHAT?!" I shouted, running inside to see them. They had all the food out on the island and was eating loads of it, "We should make lasagna" Susanna suggested. Laurel paused for a second, gasped and said, "I love lasagna"
"Shoot, I need to go shopping!" Susanna said, looking in the fridge. Me and Jeremiah looked at eachother then looked back and they were back at the Island eating random foods. "Holy Cow" I said in pure shock. "I told you." We chuckled and they both noticed us. They screamed and said, "Oh our beautiful babies"
"Ohhh look at them, oh their so cute together!" Susanna said and I immediately looked at Jeremiah and laughed. "You, I gotta get you while the light is still good" she continued pointing at Jere. "Alright mom let's go." He agreed and laughed. I never noticed how cute his laugh was... Hm. "What have you guys been doing?" Belly asked Laurel as she walked in, "Y'know, talking, snacking, the use" Belly looked at me, Concerned. "Hey what do you two think of this text?" She asked, showing us her phone, "when can I see you next."
"Holy shit Laurel!"
"Oh my god the guy you hooked up with last night was Cleveland Castio!" Belly said.
"It wasn't planned, one thing lead to another and we ended up having sex in my car" Laurel said, Belly and I screamed and ran off, "if you couldn't tell, the moms are hardcore stoned" I explained to Belly. "OHHHHHH" she realised.

I walked outside to see Jeremiah and Susanna talking, then Belly bursting out the door, "Guys, please help me, my mom wants to braid my hair." Me and Jeremiah laughed. "Enough with commentary mom, let's see the art!" Jeremiah said and I walked over. "What do you think, it might be my best work?" Susanna asked, I was trying so hard to hold my laugh in, Jeremiah called for Belly to come see and Laurel came out too, we all kinda just looked at it weirdly holding in our laughs, except Laurel that said, "if picasso and Jackson (?) Had a baby" Susanna came over, "oh my god that is terrible" and we all erupted with laughter. "See this is why old people should not do drugs" Jeremiah said earning him 2 smacks on the arm.
"How dare you!" Susanna said.
"Such ageism, god" Laurel rolled her eyes
"C'mon let's leave these brats and go walk on the beach." Susanna said grabbing Laurels arm and walking away. We all said bye to each other and Belly just said, "wow" looking at the photo.

Hey there people!! Hope you enjoyed, love ya byeee xxx

Jeremiah Fisher X OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora