~Chapter 8 - eavesdropping~

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We woke up to Taylor coming in. I scoffed, got up and left to my own room. I grabbed the first outfit I saw and put it on. When I went out of my room and went down stairs, I saw Belly talking to Jeremiah about how Taylor is leaving today and was packing upstairs. Then I heard they were going on a muffin run, apparently Conrad spent the night at Nicole's so Jeremiah sent her upstairs to get the keys from Con's desk. Yes. She was gonna find the necklace, I smiled and walked into the kitchen as Belly left, "Hey Jere"
"Hey." Ok his mood definitely changed, "why are you so pissed at me?"
"Forget it Mel" he got up and walked off with a drink in his hand and met Belly outside.


I was in my room reading,'Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire' when I got a call I looked down at who I was and I realised it was Ivy, "Heyy"
"Hi" Her voice was so croaky, "oh my god are you dead?" She attempted to laugh, "Feels like it."
"Sooo how was last night." I asked
"Yeah so I met this guy." She started,"and he was a dick, I ended up just leaving early cause I was tired"
"Aww that sucks" I said
"So what happened with you and Jere"
"Ives... don't you remember?"
"Uh, remember what?"
"Seeing Jeremiah kissing some guy by the drinks table."
"You literally saw it Ives I think you had a bit too much to drink"
"Mhm, yeah I did"
"Anyways, Belly cause Taylor and Steven hooking up."
"Thats what I said!"
"Her brother."
"I knowwww she's traumatized!'
"Oh poor thing." Ivy said sounding sorry.
"Yeah basically my friend Ivan was there and we went out to the beer pong table were we saw Conrad, Cam Cameron, Jeremiah and the guy Jere was kissing and Jere said hey and asked who Ivan was so I just said,"this is Ivan my new friend" but when I went to say it Ivan interrupted and said boyfriend and then Jeremiah just walked off"
"yeah we went inside and Ivan just said that it was for a bit of fun and stuff."
Me and Ivy talked about that for a good hour until I heard Belly talking to Steven outside so I went to my window and listened.
"Is Taylor gone?" Steven asked
"Why do you wanna go make-out with her some more?" I laughed quietly.
"Belly, don't give me sh¡t. All right? I feel bad enough." He should.
"You should, She's my best friend. And not to mention traumatizing me..."
"Oh, my God."
"I mean, my eyes. I..."
"Stop being so immature."
"She really likes you."
"Yeah, I know. Look, just... Can you please... please not tell anyone?"
"You mean Shayla?"
"Not that you deserve this right now..."
Then I stopped listening and sat back down on my bed, continuing to read my book.

My favourite thing to do was walk down to the beach and watch the Sunset alone, it was a good time just to have my own thoughts to myself so, I decided to go down there, alone, with my own thoughts. Except when I got there I wasn't alone because I saw Susanna and Laurel sitting in 2 deck chairs as I started to walk over I tuned into their conversation,"I know you said you didn't want to do chemo, but..." I heard Laurel say. "I'm not putting myself through treatment again."
"I know how much time I have left."
"No, it's okay. I'm at peace with it."
They both paused for a second.
"I'm gonna tell the kids when we get back to Boston. I just want one last perfect summer at Cousins."

"That's all I want."

Chemo. Treatment. Susanna had cancer.
Suddenly everything made sense, why Susanna wanted a perfect summer, why she was so sleepy and why Conrad was so upset, somehow he knew and I had to tell him about it.

Short chapter but Melissa knows now, what shall she do?? Love ya xxxxxx

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