~Chapter 10 - fireworks~

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"why don't we play a drinking game?" Belly suggested. "Yeah, yeah sure." I agreed and everyone else did too. The first game we played was where you flipped a quarter into the pot and then whoever you were opposite had to drink a glass of really alcoholic Belly Special. I was opposite Jeremiah and we both just kept shooting them in, over and over again. Shouting at eachother to drink with the widest smiles on our faces and everyone was laughing along together. This is what Summer is all about.

At that point, all the girls were just dancing to music that was put on and the boys were doing bean bag toss. Belly was just pouring drinks non-stop and I just laughed cause I knew she wasn't supposed to but none of us cared. It's was the 4th of July after all.
Sooner or later, we walked back to the beach house laughing together and when we actually got back we sat all together away from the adults and the debutantes were arguing about Lindsay Loehan or some shit. All I could focus on was Jeremiah, he looked so happy that his dad came. I was glancing over at him while he played some game with Conrad and to be honest he looked hella fine just then. When I tuned back into the conversation, all the boys were gone and it was just us girls sitting and chatting,"-lor has great taste" I heard Shayla say. "Y'know what you and Taylor are like twins because your both, mega fashion-y and your both like baddies, like baddies and you both like the same summer boys which is.." Belly slurred out. Holy Shit. She spilled. "We do?" Shayla looked so confused. "C'mon le- let's go" Cameron tried to take her away before she said anything else. But she pulled back, "Look Shayla like don't worry because my brother is an idiot and he didn't mean anything, it didn't mean anything" someone shut this bitch upppp. "What didn't mean anything?" Shayla asked. "Them kissing," shit. "It was like- he like LOVES you like LOV-" she finally shut up as Cameron dragged her away. Me and Ivy both stood up and made our way out of there. Shittttt. I saw Conrad coming back from the beach with mud smeared across his front, Jeremiah was at the beach alone. "I think I'm gonna head out" Ivy said. "Sure have a good evening!" I told her. "I'll see you tomorrow at rehearsals"
"Oh shit"
"You better find someone to ask and QUICK" ivy shouted as she left through the side gate.

Ivan POV:

"Jeremiah?" I asked walking down the beach and over to him. "What the fuck do you want?" He asked me. Wow what a snappy whore. "Im gay" I ripped it off like a bandaid but of course it only ripped half of it off, "what the fuck?" Jeremiah looked super confused. "I was joking about being Mel's boyfriend, but you kinda deserved it since you were making out with Liam."
"Wait, then why were you two kissing at the bonfire?"
"Cause you were looking, dipshit"
"Then why did she say that she still needed to figure out her feelings"
"Why don't you ask her that yourself buddy, when your a little more sober"
Mission Accomplished.

Melissa POV:

I was back at the house, talking to John and asking how he's been when Susanna came outside holding the cake. "Oh OO cake I want came!" Belly shouted running down stairs but then tripping over and pushing Susanna over with her, cake went everywhere and the glasses plate that it was on smashed, I watched Adam run over to check if she was ok, " Honey,are you ok?" To which he got a response of, "Adam, I'm fine"
"Here let me help you up" clearly Susanna was uncomfortable so I went over, "I'll help her" I said offering a hand and helping her inside.


It was getting late, Laurel and Susanna had a massive argument, Belly was passed out in her room and Apparently Jeremiah was still at the beach. I had walked down there for a late night walk and he was setting off fireworks alone. "Those are some bomb-ass fireworks Jere" I said. "At least someone noticed." Jere blurted out. I walked over so that I was stood next to him, "You remembered it all didn't you?" I asked
"Yeah pretty much," There was a comfortable silence before we started to talk again. "Mel?"
"Why did you tell me that you had to figure out your feelings?"
"When I was 12, I had a crush on Conrad, but around the same time, Belly told me that she had a crush on Conrad so I dug that feeling deep down and I needed to figure out if any of that feeling was still there before I could tell you that I liked you."
"Was it? Was any of it still there?"
I looked him in the eyes and kissed him. "Does that answer your question?"
"No, I think your gonna need to do it again for it to be super clear." He said as he joined our lips together and we kissed. Then, there was a bang. It was Ivan setting off a firework, and then he cheered super loud and ran back to the house. We both laughed and walked back to the house together, hand in hand.

I layed in my bed and thought to myself, 'where the hell is dad' he told us that he would be here for the 4th and he didn't even bother calling us. Just then I got a message from Ryan. "My room NOW urgent" I ran down the corridor to Ryan's room and went in. "Dad messaged me, he couldn't come, aunt Lucy had an accident and he had to take care of Harry." Harry was our cute 3 year old cousin and he was basically a brother to me and Ryan. After I heard that news I left my dad a quick message telling him that it was fine that he missed it this year and that he had a perfectly good reason to.

Holy smack, A KISS ?!?!?!?!!!!

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