~Chapter 6 - food timeee~

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Steven, Ryan, Taylor and Belly were playing in the pool while I sat inside in my room. I heard a knock at my door,"come in." Jeremiah walked in looking pretty serious. "Hi" is all he said. "Uh hey, what do you need" he fully walked in and shut the door behind him, "please sit down Jere" I said, guiding him to sitting next to me on my bed. "About the uh book party thing"
"I know what your gonna say Jere, and it's true I guess." He was gonna ask me if I really liked him, if Ryan was telling the truth. And it was true, kind of I still needed to figure out my feelings,"Jere I need some time to figure out my feeling though, it was wrong for Ryan to put me in this position while I am still figuring things out."
He got up and stormed out of the room. "Jere wait...!" I called after him. "shit"


I'm sorry mel but I cant come
round rn

Thats fine I'm going
to whale of a tale anyways


Dude help I have a crisis

What is it?

Just come over


Once I texted Ivan I texted everyone except Jere "hey if you answer the door point them in the direction of my room"

10 minutes later Ivan came bursting into my room with Belly behind, she winked and shut the door once he was inside.
"Hey Mel"
"Hey Ivan"
"You good?" He asked plopping himself on my bed. "Nah not really"
"Oh shit, why?"
I told him about what just happened and he gave me a hug. "To be honest, it's his fault, you have to be sure of your feelings or you could really hurt someone" he assured me that it was gonna be ok and that he will see that I was in the right soon enough. Then I suggested making cupcakes so we ran downstairs and got all the ingredients out, then we started,"right, I need 200g of caster sugar and 200g of butter please." I ordered.
"Coming right up m'lady" So we put them in a bowl and mixed them together,"Now I need 3 eggs please" he tossed me the eggs and I caught a of them and cracked them one by one into the bowl and mixed again. "Right flour"
"How much?"
"That's a lot of flour"
"Well we need a lot of cupcakes, Ivan"
As I watched Ivan measuring the flour he quickly pick up a bit and flung it straight at my face. "Oh your on!" I grabbed some flour and threw it at him. And that went on until we were both crying laughing and covered in flour,"what the HELL happened here" Steven was shocked,"actually I don't even wanna know" he said running out of the room. We added in the rest of the ingredients and put them in the cupcake cases, we made about 24 cupcakes. Once we put them in the oven, we started to clear up and when we were just about done the beeper went off and we ran over to the oven,"holy shit Mel! They're perfect!"
"I've never done them that good in my LIFE" I beamed.
Once the cupcakes had cooled we went and grabbed one each,"cheers to the best bakers in cousin's" Ivan declared."CHEERS" I replied as we tapped out cupcakes together and took a bite. "Mm that's a good cupcake right there" Ivan said. "Where did you get the recipe?"
"Oh I got it from my mom, we used to bake them all the time" I remembered when me and mom used to bake the cupcakes and make a mess in the kitchen, dad and Ryan would come back from Ry's soccer practice and complain about the kitchen being so dirty.


When Ivan went home, I helped the moms prepare the lobster dinner. "It's Connie done chucking the corn?" Susanna asked
"No not yet, I can't believe he forgot Belly's birthday." Laurel commented. He didn't forget, he lied. "He's been shut down like this since April." Susanna said.
"When he and his girlfriend broke up?"
"Yeah and he won't talk to me about it, I just I wanna make sure he's ok"
"Remember that time where he broke his arm and didn't tell anyone because he didn't wanna be a bother?"
"Classic Connie" they both went silent for a second,"Melissa, do you think maybe you could talk to him? You've always had a way of making him open up." Susanna suggested. That's true I did but he's changed and I don't think I can,"I'll try" and I will try me and Conrad used to be the best of friends before I didn't come back for 3 years...

"Hey Conrad."
"Hey" bit bland.
"Are you ok?, I mean you've changed a lot since I last saw you."
"My mom's put you up to this hasn't she"
"You know, you shouldn't bottle your feelings up all the time, Conrad, she just wants you to b-"
"Go away Mel" I respected his wishes and began to walk away but I stopped. "I think you should give Belly that present Con, whatever it is she'll love it"
I looked back and smiled and I saw him smile a bit too. It made my heart warm even to see him smile a little bit, it reminds me of the way he used to be.


Dinner was cooked and we were all sat around the table, chatting and eating it was really nice except for the tension between me and Jeremiah that's all that was different. Obviously Jeremiah felt a bit awkward so he started conversation,"so Cam, mind if I call you Cam Cameron?"
"Mhmm yeah man feel free"
Then Susanna started to talk,"I'm glad your here Cameron, I know your mom from the club and I've heard a lot about you."
"Thank you so much for having me today, my mom says hi."
"Cam, I made a traditional Korean birthday dish, but Belly told me you were vegetarian so I didn't put any meat in it."
"Thank you Laurel that's really nice of you"
Then, Ryan butted in,"Why don't you eat meat Cam Cameron?"
"Uh the meat industry is like the number one tribute to global warming and I just like animals."
"Wait wait wait," Jeremiah started,"so if Belly kisses and dead animal then kissed you, would you be ok with that"
"Ew what the hell." I commented.
"Well yeah I mean," Cam Cameron started and finished his sentence with kissing Belly Infront of all of us. I looked over at Conrad who looked really upset and then to Ryan who looked over at me with sadness as his visible facial expression, I mouthed a short,"sorry" and then chimed back into the conversation as Jeremiah and Steven started fake gagging. "Sorry I'm just wondering why someone would kiss someone else who once fully shat themselve in the bathtub" Steven brought back a buried memory."Ok I was like 2 years old" Belly fought back.
"More like 6 years old!" Jeremiah corrected.
"Yeah I'm just wondering why the best dressed in cousin's would kiss someone who pissed in the neighbors garden and blamed it on their CAT." I defended.
"I WAS DRUNK" Steven shouted
"Yeah on like 1 white claw" Belly laughed and shortly after we all laughed.
"Y'know uh I'm thinking we should go to Nicole's party." Belly said out of no where and we all got really excited and ran off to go get ready.

Hi there, another chapter done I'm very excited to be putting this story together slowly I am watching the episode that I'm on as I write so that I know what I'm doing and I am just loving this book rn but I'm also loving u lot right now xoxoxooxoxoxoxoxo

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