Dunno wut to call dis-

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Author's note! In this au Steve and vinnie are famous pop stars, steve sings while vinnie does guitar, electric to be exact. That's all I'm telling you! Bye!

Steve pov

As I was preparing to go on stage I heard a knock on my door. "Come in!" As soon as I said that vinnie came in "oh! Hey vinnie! What's up?" "Hey Steve.." "What's wrong?" "I..I..i don't think I'm ready.." "What do you mean?" "I don't think I'm prepared for this.."

My eyes softened as I heard him, there's times where we think we aren't meant or prepared for this. More specifically me, and vinnie comfort me. It's my turn now as it seems. I smiled, putting down my mask.

"Come here" vinnie walked over to me and I hugged him, sure it looked weird seeing as he's a foot taller but hey, a hug is a hug. "It's okay, everything may seem or feel wrong. Feels as though it's all fake but we deserve it. You deserve it. Everything we do is to make people happy."

"No matter the cost, we signed up for this to make others happy. And we're doing it, everything is gonna be okay, as long as I'm here I'll protect you. I won't leave.". Vinnie seemed to calm down, I looked up and grabbed his mask and handed it to him.

"Now c'mon! We got a show to do!" Vinnie laughed and put it on while I put mine on. "Alright, let's go Showtime" "yeah yeah". We walked to the stage, and we got to our positions " ready puppet?" "Born ready" "LET THE SHOW BEGIN!"
















We're together again now,.....











A young boy stood between 2 graves, blue and red flowers placed on them. One read…
R. I. P
Vinnie ####
A wonderful friend, uncle, and singer

The other read..
R. I. P
Steve Divil
A wonderful husband, brother, and singer





Together once more..now and forever..vinnie..

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