01. Being the New Girl

Start from the beginning

"So, how has your first day been?" Leo questioned, pulling out a salad. "Alright" I responded, taking the spare fork, and sharing his salad. For some reason, salads don't disgust me as much anymore, rather one of the only things I eat. "What about yours?" I continued, glancing up at his glum face.

He never smiles anymore. I miss his usual smile; the way his eyes would twinkle when he saw me or one of his close friends. His eyes would crinkle along with the sides of his face whenever he laughed hard enough or long enough.

That was the Leo I knew.

I didn't know the Leo that started to willingly work out, smoke on his windowsill, he would sneak out all the time and Gio or I would cover for him.

I wonder how Gio was feeling.

"Yeah, alright, I guess. How do you think Gio is going with his feeding tube?" he chuckled lightly at the thought of Gio and his feeding tube.

It brought me back to a few weeks ago in Italy when Gio had to get his feeding tube in. It was rather saddening over funny depending on how you looked at it.

-Flashback to a few weeks ago-

"So, Giovanni, you will need to have this in place for 2 weeks. Until then, you have to notify either guarding of when you will be eating and what you are eating. Understood?" the nurse spoke.

Initially, I thought she was a bit rude, but I just brought it down to the fact that this is her job; she has seen this happen to many children, and if this was the way to help Gio, then so be it. He needed someone who wasn't our brothers to help him and if this lady was going to help him, that was all I would need to put my mind at rest.

"Yeah" he spoke so softly I barely even heard him. Maybe everything was just self-destructing all along. "Can he be discharged now?" Raphael questioned, looking at the lady darkly. "Yes, of course sir" the nurse spoke, leaving like her asse was on fire.

"I don't need your help!" Gio snapped at Theodore, who quickly moved away. Axel was quick to move into place, assisting Gio.

Something had happened between Gio, Elijah, Leo, Raphael, and Theodore, that even some of my other brothers weren't sure about.

-End of Flashback-

"I hope he's ok" I muttered, resting my chin on the palm of my hand. "Same" he responded, eating the rest of the salad. He normally ate what Gio, or I couldn't finish.

"Class is about to start, we should head in" I groaned, knowing Leo was right, but I didn't want to face the mean girls of New Jersey Boarding School.


- Giovanni Monroe - 

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- Giovanni Monroe - 

"Last gulp" and with that, the feeding tube was out of my throat. It felt as though it has scratched and moved every single one of the bones and muscles in my throat. "You are cleared to go home" the nurse then left, leaving me with Theodore and Raphael.

Two of the four people I hated at the moment.

"Whatever this is that you are trying to get at, you need to stop Giovanni" Raphael came to stand at the end of my bed. How dare he say that!

"I'm not trying to get at any of your precious money. I would rather die in a hole than have to live with you" I grumbled, getting out of the bed, making sure to avoid any reflection of myself or my stepbrothers.

That's all they were and will be to me. Stepbrothers.

"Yeah right. That little hospital visit in Italy was pointless, wasn't it?" Raphael sneered. This wasn't the man I had grown to love. This was the man that I had grown to hate in the past month. Maybe he was the one that was just trying to get at our inheritance after all.

"Raphael, leave him alone" and with that, he was pushed out of the room, as I went into the bathroom to get changed out of the stupid hospital gown.

That's all it was now. It was just a stupid eating disorder that Raphael didn't think I had. Clearly Ace and Alessandro thought the same, hence why they left me with Raphael and Theodore. I would be 18 by the end of the year, so I didn't need any of them.

I would be able to get my inheritance and survive off that. I didn't need my stupid daddy's money anymore. I could be self-sufficient.

Maybe I could make a rival business against my brothers?

Who knows. Everything was just too much; I would just like to get to the end of the month without another episode from myself or Raphael.

"Gio, you ready paperotto?" Theodore knocked on the door. I hated that nickname, making me shiver in disgust but I didn't protest against it. That would be rude and insulting to the person I thought as my big brother, my Salvatore.

(Translation: little duck, savior)

"Yep" I muttered, walking out of the bathroom. The shocked look on Theodore's face didn't surprise me. I wasn't his little duck anymore and Leo was not his little mouse either.

We were old enough to wear black ripped jeans, and baggy jeans that had bands on them. We were old enough to wear chains on our jeans and black beanie's.

We were old enough to express ourselves.

"Let's go" he spoke more to himself, leading the way out of the hospital room, as I didn't even glance back at the room that I had stayed at overnight. I was done with disgusting hospital rooms that made me feel claustrophobic.

That was another thing none of my siblings knew about; I hated small and confined spaces. The reminded me of everything that he had done to me that day, making me feel disgusted and gross.

I just wanted to erase everything.

I just wanted everything to be like it used to when I was little.



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