Chapter 33: Dathnar

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A/N: Video by Lillypop on YouTube

The twin suns warmed Dathnar's scales, but their heat was little in comparison to the fire burning through him at that very moment. Eliza sat in his arms, her body covering his as they swayed in the breeze. Her legs were wrapped delicately around his waist, her cunt pressed against his drang slit, offering him no rest from the relentless flames of desire that had plagued him since the moment they laid eyes on one another.

The dress prepared for her by Urme left little too the imagination, especially when he had "accidentally" ripped the skirt. One hand roamed toward her center, while the other still held her securely. Under the dress he ventured as he flew higher and further away from their audience. "Are you wet for me, my sweet mate?"

His claw grazed her bare clit, making her gasp and squirm. "Someone is being naughty this day. Where are your undergarments, my love?" Pushing his hand higher, Dathnar covered her entire core with his claws. Slowly, with careful precision, he scraped them down her core, once more hitting her glorious pleasure button.

"Umm. They didn't really work with this dress, hon," Eliza answered, wiggling against him. "Besides, this will be so much easier without them." She scratched her nails down his scaled chest and massaged his abdomen, before stopping at his slit. Eliza rubbed his groin seductively, coaxing his drang to completely emerge from his slit.

"You mean? You are going to perform the mating ritual with me?" The wind was nearly knocked from his lungs. He had no idea she had changed her mind about the uhah.

"Surprise! My mating gift to you, to show you how much you mean to me and how grateful I am for you, Dathnar. But do you mind if we get a little further from the crowd. Not really into exhibition." She caressed his face with the hand that was at first on his drang as she spoke, but Dathnar did not mind. He was too shocked to mind anything at that moment. "What's wrong, Dathnar? Do you no longer wish to do it."

"I am sorry, my love. Of course, I wish to preform our uhah. I just thought you were uncomfortable with the idea. And, yes, we will venture far from prying eyes. I do not wish for others to view my mate so intimately."

It was not the first time the thought of another's eyes on Eliza had caused him to become jealous, but the idea of another watching as she took her pleasure from him, irritated him more than anything else. This was for them and them alone.

With that that dancing ceased. Instead of graceful and fluid, Dathnar's movements became jerky and impatient. He tore through the air, leaving their attendants in dust. Passing over the trees behind his tuz, Dathnar knew just were to go, the falls.

He arrived their faster than he ever had, but instead of touching down at the base as he always did, he kept to the air heading for the place in the mountain with the lightest spray.

It was there, suspended in the air, where Dathnar looked for the permission in Eliza's gaze one last time before he ripped the beautiful dress from her body. She gasped, but Dathnar knew Eliza would forgive him for his mistake later.

Dathnar ran his tail over Eliza's bare core as he worked his way down her body with his eyes, devoting every mesmerizing inch of her to memory. She was slick with arousal all for him. He coated his tail in her juices before sliding it into her glorious slit causing her to jump from the intrusion.

Eliza's eyes glossed over, and soft moans fell from her lips as he worked her with his tail and glazed over her nipples with one claw while he held her up with the other. She dipped her head back letting the water softly cascade down her body. Dathnar took her free tet in his mouth and sucked, caressing it gently with his tongue and teeth.

With one final hard stroke of his tail and tug of his mouth, Eliza exploded drenching his tail. Still, he realized she needed more as she continued to jolt against him, and he could not hold back any longer.

Dathnar's member emerged fully from his slit as he removed his tail from her center. Eliza whined at the loss before he plunged into her causing her to scream out in ecstasy loud enough that if they were any closer to his home, all their guests would hear.

He stilled from a moment, allowing her to get used to his girth. The female's hole was tight, constricting his drang so tightly, he was barely able to stand it. No longer able to restrain himself, he pulled out of her and thrust into her once more, rotating his hips to hit that sensitive spot inside her that he learned very quickly drove her wild.

She matched his energy and efforts fiercely, raising her face to his to envelope his lips with hers, pushing her tongue into Dathnar's mouth and tasting him. His skin burnt with his release raising to the surface, but he wanted his mate to arrive with him. With the tip of his tail, he tickled her puckered back hole lightly. Eliza came undone at the sensation, shuddering against his body rapidly.

She came instantaneously, gripping his drang with a constrictive hold that forced his orgasm from his member. Dathnar's warm fluid filled her so fully that he felt it sliding down her leg. The final spasms of his cock drew the final whimpers from Eliza's lips.

Though Dathnar wished to stay locked with his female like this forever, he pulled out, his drang enclosed in his slit once more. "My sweet mate, that was more incredible than I could have ever imagined. Thank you." Dathnar flew the couple down to the pool below and landed with a splash. The misty pink water washed over them with a relieving coolness that only the fall qua could provide.

Eliza squeezed Dathnar closer to her body and sighed. "I never knew it could be that amazing, Dathnar, but know I can barely feel my vagina. What is your cum made of? Tingle-inducing magnum?"

Dathnar released a roar like laugh, choking on some of the water dropping from the falls. "That is the heat from my fires. It spreads through you to bring you maximum pleasure and ensures my sperm is successfully implanted in your womb to continue my family lineage. Only my fated mate can take my flame into them. It proves you are the one my fire burns for now and forever."

Awaiting her response to his admission, Dathnar brushed his claws through her hair and softly wiped his hands down her body from her head to her center, cleaning the sweat and remnants of his release from her body. He prayed to the Goddesses that this would please, but her silence was nerve wrecking. Finally, she spoke.

"So, you think I could be pregnant now just from that one time?"

"It is possible, but I am sure if not, you will be soon, my love. Is that something you want? Would younglings with me make you happy?"

"Yes. As a matter of fact, I think we should do it again to make sure we get pregnant. I want a castle full of dragon babies with you, my sexy mate." Eliza started kissing her male once more.

"What is a dragon baby," he asked once Eliza allowed him a brief reprieve.

"Dragons were mystical creatures on earth. Your people share a lot of similarities; the scales, the wings, the tail." She stated the last part with a wink.

"Well, in that case, I will give you all the dragon babies you desire, my love, starting now." Dathnar lifted to the air once more, but they were not headed back to the party, but to their home. This night they would create the first of their offspring in their own nest, in private.

A/N: Wheew!! The fires are hot in this chapter! I hoped you enjoyed reading it as much I did writing it. At this moment, I feel I am at a good place to end Dathnar and Eliza's story. But do not worry, you will see more of them in the future. I will be working on both the next book in this series and the second book to my Dirty Monster Mates series. If you haven't read The Minotaur's Prey, give it a try. Thank you all for reading! Until later, lovelies!

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