Chapter 23: Eliza

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A/N: Video by 100% Musik on YouTube 

Eliza ran home to quickly change her clothes. With the fall season of Pratham upon them, she knew it would be to cool to go completely nude for their practice flight, but she wanted to dress in something a tad sexy to please Dathnar.

This should do. She slipped on the thin, short sheer dress, another one of her last-minute purchases from the market. If she even attempted to bend over, her butt would be on full display. She hoped Dathnar would be excited to find she had not put on any undergarments. Eliza put her hair up in a clip and slid some gloss over her full lips and gave herself one last glance in the mirror.

Perfect. He won't be able to resist me tonight. Throwing on her coat and work boots, Eliza walked out of her home and began the trip to the falls. With her excited thoughts floating all over the place, the trip journey did not take as long as it normally did and when she glanced around, finding herself alone, she grew a little nervous.

Where is he?, she thought to herself as she impatiently stood on the rocks surrounding the uqa. They had agreed ahead of time to meet an hour after the family dinner, it was weird that he did not show when agreed.

A noise sounded from the bushes and Eliza turned to face the shrubbery that surrounded her. Scared at the idea of a large forest predator looking for its next meal, Eliza was thrilled when Dathnar emerged from the bushes, completely nude. His muscled body was rock solid, the otherworldly light of the two moons bouncing off his sharp physique. He was mouthwatering gorgeous.

Without saying a word, Dathnar strutted toward Eliza in all his naked glory. She was lost for words and felt a little slip of drool slide from her lips. She quickly gathered her wits, running her tongue over her lips to collect it. Dathnar's eyes dilated, and she noticed a jerking movement from between his legs as he zeroed in on her. She suddenly felt overdressed for the occasion.

Eliza dropped her coat and kicked off her boats. If she thought she had gotten a reaction out of him before, it was nothing like the look he gave her afterward. His drang came completely unsheathed and his gaze was heated. Dathnar looked ready to devour her right on the spot, practice flight be damned.

"You look ravishing, sweet Eliza." He ran his clawed hand up and down her arm, sending tingles through her being.

"Not bad yourself, Lord.", she threw out.

"Are you ready, my sweet?"

"Ready for what?" He had her truly bewildered. Just taking in his body made her insides preen, and for a moment she forgot the point of them meeting.

Pulling herself together, she replied. "I mean, yes, of course. Ready when you are."

Chuckling in his growly tone, Dathnar pulled her close, mingling their bodies together. Eliza linked her arms around his strong, corded neck, looping her fingers together tightly. He swiftly lifted her legs around his torso, and she became aware of exactly when he realized she wasn't wearing anything under her dress. His heated breath quickened, and she could feel the beat of his hearts through his chest, not to mention his long, thick member against her thighs.

"Are you pleased, my lord?", she whispered breathlessly.

"Tremendously, my mate, but I am afraid we must start, or I will lose my composure and take you right here." Without a word from her, he shot into the air. The cool air on her skin did nothing to cool the fire burning within her. The intoxicating power of their bond was too hot, too demanding, too much entirely, yet not enough.

As they traveled higher, she was finally able to grab onto a pinch of her restraint to figure out what they needed to do.

"So, what do we do first?" At first, Dathnar said nothing, he solely lingered in the air and held her body firmly to his.

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