Earlier Today

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Y/n wasn't looking forward to today.

His head was still dizzy and exhausted after a night without sleep, standing in front of the proud building of Kazehaya High School.

Despite his efforts to daze off to dreamland, he did not succeed. So now, he had to suffer through a day's worth of exhaustion, having a few things he has to do like pick his medications up and do his homework right after school.

Speaking of his medicine, "I forgot to take them today..." he grumbled as he hurried inside, speed walking as he doesn't want to hurt himself and get to his class.

Once he makes it in and gets to his seat, he takes out his flask and his bottle of medicine, finding out that he barely has enough to get through the day. He pops a pill and drinks his water and touches his chest.

The small and soft thumps was all he felt, he could feel the water washing down through his body and lets out a sigh of relief.

He then takes his phone out and sets a small reminder that he has an hour left before he has to take his medication again. That time would be three, an hour before he has to take them again as he breathes out through his nose.

"...If only I was normal..." he mumbled to himself before taking out a small book to read.


The day passed by in a leisure manner as school finally ended.

Students alike was hurrying on out from the school, a wave sweeping each other as they head to their lockers to switch out their shoes or join their clubs for their activities.

Y/n wasn't any different.

He was the last few to get out of his classroom and was slow to get to his shoe lockers that felt like hours to him. But eventually with some patience, he arrives as he stepped himself out of his school shoes and punches the code to unlock his locker.

He swings it open...

...There was paper.

A single piece colored in pink as he pulls back in surprise and takes it into his hands. He reads what the cursive handwriting said.

Dear Y/n,

Please meet me on the rooftop at three
o'clock. There's something I want to
talk about with you. And that is
about us. Don't bring anyone else.

-Your Secret Admirer ❤️

The boy only cocked an eyebrow.

Secret admirer? Since when did I even talk to someone in general?

Y/n was hesitant, especially when he has to get to the pharmacy before they close for the day.

He really don't want to meet them in case this was some kind of ambush for him.

But curiosity gets the best of him, "...Let's see where this is heading..."

Grabbing the small note from his locker, he checks the time. It was forty minutes after two, Y/n decides to head up to the roof right now and scope out to see if it was just a prank.

He walked slowly, he heads for the stairs and walked the flights that felt longer than before. It took awhile until he gets the exit where it would lead him on the roof. Y/n takes a small breath and peeks through the window and outside.

Suspicions arise and falls, he could only see a shadowy figure with a ponytail. From his guess, it was a girl as it looked like she came alone. He felt a little skeptical.

But who in their right minds would wanna talk to me? I'm... like... the least popular student in school...

Whatever happens, happens he thought as he swings the door open softly to let the sun hit his face.

Then he sees her face.

Slow motion, she turns around with her orange hair swaying with her and her sky blue eyes landing on him. There was a small smile on her face that lead to Y/n turning pink on sight.

She was a beauty, the boy couldn't believe that someone like her was his secret admirer.

...She's probably being forced to "ask" me out... or just trying to bully me like everyone else...

The redness on his face would disappear almost instantly, he walks over to the mysterious girl who kept the keen smile on her face.

"Did you get my letter?"


He hands her the letter in which her gaze softens a little. "I'm glad..." she said before taking a small breath and shakes her hands to rub the jitters off her.

Then, "Y/n L/n... I like you..."

"...Is this a prank because if it is, I'm not that gullible..."


Already, Y/n was on his toes and keeping a strong defense against her.

"...W-Why would you think I'd pull a prank on you?"

"I mean... I'm not wrong, am I?"

"You are!"

"And why would you say that?"

"Because what I said before is true!"

Y/n winces back, a little doubtful that a girl like her would be this committed in asking someone like him out. He was ready to fire back.

"I like you, Y/n... I've always have since elementary school... and you can't tell me it's not true because you don't know how much I had to do just to be sure I was perfect just for you..."

"...Seriously, if this is a prank, just drop it... You don't have to waste your-"

"Y/n..." the girl says once more.

"I am serious with my emotions with you... If I truly didn't like you, I wouldn't have asked you to come here in the first place... But in this case, I do, Y/n... I like you very much..."

At this point, Y/n wasn't sure how to counter this situation at all. Better yet, this exact girl with such amazing beauty and body who had the patience to endure his questioning was true to herself.

Or she's just really committed to this prank...

But her eyes.

He hasn't seen anything rash in them.

There was no sign of mischief nor anything negative that could prove her bluffs. They were only pure and innocent, soft as she awaited for his answer.

Y/n wasn't sure about it now. "...Are... Are you being serious?" The h/c asked as the girl only nods quietly. "...Yes... So please..."

She bows her head down to him while the cool wind picked up and blew her hair around this warm atmosphere on the rooftop.

"...Please accept my feelings!"


The boy was in awe.

She does a game changing move that is known to show how sincere anyone can be for a request or a confession.

She was definitely serious, her head bowed down to someone so inferior like him as her only request was for her to be his girlfriend.

This was a dream come true to him.

...But he remembers that would mean she'd have to suffer a future so vile and depressing and it would all because of him.

He knew the answer to her honest confession.

"...I'm sorry... but I don't think I can do that..."

"Eh? Why not?"


Cough! Cough!


Orihara x Bullied Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now