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Ronnie smiled at Emmett as he dropped her off at her house, she leaned over and kissed him "I'll talk to you later Em."

He smiled kissing her again "you're talking to your dad right?"

Ronnie nodded again "Yeah wish me luck"

He tapped her on the nose lightly "He's your father Ronnie, he's gonna love you no matter what, but good luck babe, though you won't need it."

She smiled at him "thanks Em," then she got outta his Jeep, she turned and waved at her boyfriend beside she walked up to her house.

Ronnie blows out a breath as she walked into the house it's been almost 4 months since she met Emmett at school that day, and 3 months since they started dating and her life has been almost back to normal, she knows that it'll never be fully back to normal but she's happy with where she is in her life right now and she's talked it over with her mom and Ronnie wants to come clean to her dad about everything on her end of things and Valerie thought that the Phoenix's decision was a good idea and that the man deserved to know the truth about why his daughter was alive when she should be dead.

"Dad are you home?" she called out as she walked into the house.

She smiles hearing him call back "Yeah in the living room" the young Phoenix walked into the living room Charlie smiles seeing his eldest daughter "so are you excited about next week?"

She nods smiling at Charlie "yeah, of course, Dad, Bella's coming home... I can't wait to see my baby sister again."

Charlie nods at her with a smile "that's what I like to hear Ronnie."

She lets out another breath "Dad.... there's something I need to talk to you about"

Charlie gives her a concerned look "what is it, Ronnie? You can talk to me about anything"

She smiles at him "I know that dad and with everything that's happened you deserve to know... Why. After it first happened I couldn't tell you why because I didn't know and now that I do know, you deserve to know just as much... you were right there going through it with me well as much as you could"

Charlie looks at her with a look of confusion on his face "Ronnie... I don't understand what are you talking about?"

She shakes her head clearing up what she meant "right sorry dad, I'm talking about the fire..... I know why I survived... why the fire never even touched me. Now what I'm about to tell you might be hard for you to wrap your head around but like I said you were there you went through it too and you deserve to know why as much as I did." she pauses for a moment to take a breath before looking back at her dad "Alright so let's just get this over with, I'm not human dad, I am a Phoenix... it's the reason that I came out of that house untouched by the fire... it's the reason that I'm alive, and just to clear it up a Phoenix is a supernatural firebird and cannot be hurt by fire."

Charlie looks at her for a moment "So you're telling me that the reason you are standing here in front of me right now is that you're not human? You're a Phoenix? But how?"

The young Phoenix nods "yeah dad that's right... I know it's a lot to take in but you deserved to know the reason that I am here right now and I got it from mom, she's a Phoenix, and I inherited it from her."

There is a moment of silence between the father and daughter before Charlie hugged her "that doesn't change the fact that you are my daughter and if you being a Phoenix is the reason that you are here right now then I'm thankful for it and you've talked to your mother?"

Ronnie teared up a little hugging her dad back "thanks, dad... I was a little worried about what you were gonna think going into this... but I'm glad you took that rather well and yeah I talked to mom and she explained it all to me, said she should have been here to explain it from the beginning but she thought I'd take after you and be human."

Charlie nods at her "Did she happen to mention why she left the way she did?"

Ronnie sighs and nods "yeah she was trying to protect us, some people found out about her, and well I don't know what they wanted with her but she had lost them for a while that's when she moved to Forks the first time and she met you and I came along then she heard that the people that were after her they found out where she was so she thought that leaving was the best thing for her to do so that they wouldn't get to us."

"She was protecting us?"

Ronnie nodded "yeah mom was protecting us by leaving the way she did but she's back now and she's been teaching me how to control my abilities as a Phoenix."

The man looked at his eldest daughter "which are what exactly?"

Ronnie grinned at him "come on, it's better if I show you"

'How'd it go?'

She smiled as Charlie followed her out into the back yard 'you were right Em, he took it rather well and I'm showing him what I can do with my powers.'

'Told you there was nothing to worry about babe.'

Once they got far enough away from the house so that she wouldn't catch it on fire accidentally. Ronnie stopped "Okay mom calls this The Phoenix Aura. Which if it's being used in a fight it's called a Psionic Firebird cause it can cause damage, I haven't actually learned how to do that yet though so no need to worry about that." She took a few steps away from her father before her eyes glowed bright orange and her skin cracked slightly before was engulfed in flames going up in the shape of a Phoenix.

After she flamed down she walked over and stood in front of her father "you know how I kept getting overwhelmed when I was around a big crowd there for while and that's why you pulled me out of school? Well, that was because after I activated the Phoenix I was able to read the minds of everyone around me and it just scared me at first then some of the things I heard made me angry, and then I'd get really hot and that was the Aura wanting to be released after I did it the first time everything was easier to handle, it wasn't itching to be freed anymore."

He just stared at her for a moment, in shock that his daughter just pretty much spontaneously combusted in front of him. "so the mind-reading is how you always seemed to know when I was worrying too much about you?"

Ronnie nodded "that's right daddio, telekinesis is another one but that and the telepathy is special to me, not every Phoenix can do that, we all have unique abilities I just happen to have two, moms is Astral Projection." She sees the look on her dad's face and sighed "okay we can take a break and finish this later if you want to dad."

He smiled at her "It's alright Ronnie, you can keep going, I'm just processing everything, it's a lot to take in but I'm alright."

So Ronnie spent the majority of the afternoon explaining her abilities and everything that her mother had taught her about being a Phoenix. She had just shown him the force field that they had been practicing. "this is the last one and it's still a work in progress, I don't have the best control over it."

She closed her eyes and focused she had saved the telekinetic flight for last since she still didn't have the best control over it since she only discovered it a few weeks ago. She used her telekinesis and lifted herself off the ground, she opened her eyes keeping her focus on staying in the air, and she kept it for 45 seconds which is the longest she's stayed up before she fell to the ground landing on her feet, "I can use my telekinesis to fly but I am still working on staying in the air for longer than a few seconds, but that's it, for now, I keep discovering abilities but for now that's all I know about."

The father-daughter duo walked back toward their house Charlie asked her some more questions on the way and Ronnie answered them the best she could. After they got back to the house Ronnie made dinner and they just kept a casual conversation going throughout dinner and then after they finished Charlie headed up to his room since he was going to work earlier the next morning and Ronnie cleaned up the kitchen before heading up to her own room and changing into some pajamas and getting ready for bed. 

This is the end of part one, part 2 will be starting in Twilight with the arrival of Bella. I hope you guys like it and enjoy the chapter.

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