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Just a little note before we start where Ronnie isn't human her blood doesn't appeal to Vampires.

It was the first day of her Senior year and Veronica Swan sat at the table with her father eating breakfast "You gonna be okay Ronnie?" Charlie asked, worried about his daughter. 

She smiled at him "yes dad I'll be fine" then she hears her father's voice but he was not speaking she's gotten used to this over the six months she's kept herself locked in her room pretty much or if she wasn't in her room she was in the woods behind their house. 'I hope that I'm not pushing her too hard to go back to school'

Ronnie smiles at how worried her dad gets about her, it was nice and she loved him even more for it. "Dad, I'm gonna be fine okay? it's been six months it's time for me to go back out into the world" he smiles at her as she gets up and kisses him on the cheek "I love you, dad." Then she walks up to her room and grabs her backpack and walks back downstairs she grabs her keys off the key hook by the door "Bye dad, I'll see you tonight."

"See you tonight sweetheart," Charlie called out as she made her way out of the house. 

Ronnie pulls up to Forks High and parks letting out a breath looking at herself in the rearview mirror and giving herself a pep talk "you can do this Ronnie, just block out the thoughts as you've practiced with dad so they don't overwhelm you, and try to stay as calm as possible so your eyes stay their normal blue."

She reapplies her lip gloss getting out of the car.

Inside the school, Alice Cullen is sitting in her homeroom class with Jasper and Emmett and she gets pulled into a vision, she smiles giddily at Emmett and whispers "She's here" he smiles at the thought of finally meeting his mate, Alice has talked nonstop about the girl since she had the first vision of her.

Ronnie walks into the office with a smile "Hi... I need my schedule"

Mrs. Mendes smiles "Ronnie dear, how have you been? it's so good to see you back"

She plasters a smile on her face "I've been good, much better thank you for your concern, Mrs. Mendes" then the woman's thoughts drift into her mind 'Oh that poor girl she's been through so much' Ronnie just smiles as she gets handed her schedule "thank you" she steps out of the office and all eyes are on her.

She takes a deep breath before rolling her eyes at them and snaps "What are you looking at?" it was a couple of junior girls and they scurried off down the hall, Ronnie shrugs thinking 'if things are gonna get back to as normal as they can be I need to slip back into mean girl V, all those underclass and junior girls need to be reminded who's on top.' Even if that's just a front she puts up and she's really a nice person.

She looks at her schedule and smiles seeing that she has the same homeroom as she did last year. The two junior girls that she just snapped at walk into the same homeroom that she has, sitting down behind the two Cullens and the Hale whispering, or what they think is whispering to one of their other friends that is in their homeroom "Oh my god V's back."

The other girl shakes her head "No way, I don't believe you." 

The other girl nods "It's true we saw her coming out of the office. She's back"

Then the door swings open turning the attention in the room to Ronnie as she walks in her head held high and an indifferent look on her face. She hands the slip they gave her in the office to her homeroom teacher who nods "welcome back Ms. Swan" she nods at the teacher and takes a seat in front of Emmett.

She rolls her eyes at everybody staring at her, she knew this was going to happen, she tries her best to block out the thoughts but she can't block them all and she still gets bombarded with a bunch of them.

'Oh my god, I can't believe she's back.'

'Wow, she's actually showing her face.'

And the one that caused her anxiety to skyrocket 'I'd bet that the fire freak set the fire herself but just wasn't expecting to get stuck in there as well.'

Jasper glances over at the girl feeling the anxiety coming off her in waves, so trying to help the girl that they all know is his brother's mate he sends calm waves her way, and instantly she relaxes a little bit.

Ronnie closes her eyes and focuses and for the first time she successfully blocks out all of the thoughts around her.

Which also helps her relax more the bell rings dismissing the students to their classes just as Emmett was about to talk to the girl in front of him, she gets up and gets the slip from her homeroom teacher and walks out of the room and on to AP History which she doesn't know it yet but she has with Jasper Hale.

Ronnie is the second person in the room with Jasper being the first as he normally is she lays her slip on the teacher's desk and walks to the only table in the back of the room and looks at the only other person in the room pointing to the seat beside him "you don't mind if I sit here do you?"

She'd rather sit in the back because at least she can't get stared at as much. Don't get me wrong Ronnie likes attention but now knowing what everyone thinks about her well she doesn't like that kind of attention.

He shakes his head "no at all"

She smiles gratefully at the blonde "thanks" and takes the seat. he nods at her as people start trickling into the classroom and of course, the first thing they notice is Ronnie sitting in the back.

Ronnie closes her eyes and takes a deep breath blocking out everyone's thoughts but her own. Jasper noticed how tense she was at all of the attention so he decides to talk to her and try and distract her as well as sending calm waves her way.

He smiles at the girl "It's Veronica.. isn't it?"

She opens her eyes looking over at him "yeah that's me... figures first day back and already the talk of the school again... so what's your name?"

"Jasper Hale... I don't mean to pry or anything but why does everyone keep staring at you?"

Ronnie sighs "they all think I'm a freakshow I'm surprised you don't already know what happened because everyone in town knows"

Jasper gave her a curious look "my family and I just moved here about 5 months ago"

She nods "ahhh okay then that's why you don't know you moved here after everything died down a little bit"

Jasper smiled at the girl as the bell rang. neither Ronnie nor Jasper had realized that they had been talking quietly to each other that long "it was nice to meet you, Veronica"

She smiled back "you too Jasper but call me Ronnie" she grabs her things, and picks up her slip from the teacher, and walked out of the room towards her next class which is English.

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