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There would never be a more intense regret than Lorelei regretting wearing a dress to Hogsmeade with James

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There would never be a more intense regret than Lorelei regretting wearing a dress to Hogsmeade with James.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes." She answered back automatically, putting a smile on to cover whatever her expression had wandered to.

James smiled in acceptance, but kept half an eye on her as he cut into his steak.

In all her years of going to Hogsmeade, she didn't even know there was a fancy, sit down, muggle type restaurant until James had led her there earlier in the afternoon.

"How's your food?" James asked as he put some salt on his French fries.

Looking down at her food, chicken alfredo pasta, Lorelei nodded, "Brilliant, and yours?"

"Very good, thank you."

Taking a small bite, mostly for appearances as her stomach felt entirely unappetized, Lorelei tried not to focus on what she felt was the very large elephant in the room.

James didn't seem to share the same awkwardness, "I'm shocked there's not that many people here. Usually when I come here it's full."

"Really?" Lorelei asked politely, "Personally, I've never heard of this place."

"You're joking!" James said with a grin, "This is Peter's favorite place in Hogsmeade, he make us come here every other weekend."

A genuine smile settled on her face, "Is it really?"

James nodded and took another bit of his food.

The moment of comfort made the awkwardness more stark when it returned to her. Even her spit tasted uncomfortable.

Taking another small bite of food, Lorelei tried not to show in her face how the food felt like rocks hitting her stomach.

It took all of her courage to admit to herself she was nervous.

"Do you have any other plans for the day?" James asked as he cut another bite off for himself.

Shaking her head she tapped her fork against the plate, "I was thinking about starting the book Lily got me for my birthday."

"Really? What book?"

"It's called The Diary Of Salazar Slytherin."

James furrowed his brows, "Why would Lily get you a book about the founder of Slytherin? Wouldn't a book on Rowena Ravenclaw be more appropriate?"

She smiled patiently, expecting this response. "Actually, I was, well, I am really interested in blood magic, it's a dying art- anyway, I was reading a book about it for History of Magic and Lily found and bought me a copy of the original works the book had referenced." Lorelei shrugged, trying not to launch into a detailed explanation.

"What did Salazar Slytherin have to do with blood magic?" James asked, setting his fork down to pay more attention to her.

"A lot, actually. He was a student of the last living demon that specialized in blood magic." Lorelei explained, "Since all the demons who specialized in blood magic are long dead, information on it is scarce- which is where Slytherin comes in. He was the only student of Bralren to write down some of the things she taught him."

Nodding almost subconsciously, James asked, "So Lily got you a book on what Slytherin learned from, what did you say? Brarel-win?"

Smiling at how he butchered the name, she gently corrected him. "Bralren."

"Right, Bralren." James emptied the last of the water in his cup, "Yeah, sorry, I only asked because I need to grab some polish for my broomstick and I was going to ask if you wanted to come along, but-"

"I can come." Lorelei said, cutting him off with a smile.

A smile spread on James's face, "Brilliant. Uh, if you're done we can go now?"

Looking down at her half eaten plate, Lorelei set her napkin on the plate, "Yeah."

The regret of wearing a dress creeped up on her again as she stood. Ignoring her self consciousness, she walked to the door with James, smiling at him as he opened the door for her.

Everything she'd felt anxious about during lunch crept back up to her as silence drifted between them. Their own personal elephant in the room had followed them as they walked past the many shops Lorelei didn't care to know the name of, eventually landing on the one with the new broomstick for the season displayed in the window.

A bell rang as the two entered the shop. Broomsticks littered the walls, and a small desk stood in the center. The roof was tall for the sole purpose that you could easily test a broomstick.

A young boy, most likely a first year, was watching as an older boy soared around the shop on a red and white broomstick.

"What kind of polish are you looking for?" Lorelei asked James, looking away from the boy soaring around the store.

Shrugging, James walked over to the small stand with bottles littered across it. "Whatever one is the best one."

"Very descriptive. You should be a scribe at the ministry." Lorelei said, sarcasm costing her words as she scanned the bottles with him. "Look," She grabbed a teal stained bottle off the shelf, "This one says it lasts ten times longer than any other polish."

Grabbing the bottle from her hands, gently brushing her fingers, James read the label. "But this one says it enhances the wood texture." He grabbed a second bottle in orange off the shelf.

"James, it's a broomstick polish. They all enhance the wood texture."

Grabbing the teal bottle from his hands she walked away toward the desk. "Hello." she said to the man at the counter.

Silently, the man tapped slowly at his register. "That'll be three galleons." He said in a dead panned tone.

Pulling a small pouch from her pocket, Lorelei dropped three gold coins on the counter before grabbing the bottle. "Thank you!" She said brightly before walking back over to James. Grabbing his arm she pulled him from the store.

"Lorelei, I needed broom polish, I haven't picked one out-"

"I already got one for you." She said, placing the teal bottle in his hand as they walked into the busy streets of Hogsmeade.

James looked at the bottle like she'd given him a screaming toddler. "Lorelei, you did not have to buy my broom polish for me."

Shrugging, Lorelei got distracted and walked over to a window displaying a book titled Harnessing Ancient Magic. "Hold that thought." She said to the air, not even knowing if James had followed her.

James, having followed her, paused for only a moment by the window before following her into the book store.

"Do you know where I can find copies of the book displayed in the window?" Lorelei asked one of the employees.

"Um," The employee looked over her shoulder to the display, "It looks like our last copy just sold."

Disappointment flooded her chest, "That's alright, thank you." Turning to try and find where James ran off to, she found him walking away from the register- a book in hand. "What did you find?" She asked, half amused.

"I had to make even with you." He admitted, extending the book to her.

"Harnessing Ancient Magic. You twat, I could have bought it myself." She said, whacking him gently on the arm.

James threw up his hands in defence, "You started this, Lori. I just ended it."

Fighting a smile, Lorelei opened the book and skimmed the pages. "Well thank you then, James."

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