Three days later the girls walked out of their dorm together

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Three days later the girls walked out of their dorm together. "I just don't have a good feeling about all this." Melissa said softly, making sure no one overheard them.

"Probably because it's most likely going to be dangerous. Voldemort isn't some petty criminal, he's a dark wizard making an army." Liz said, matching her volume and tone, "He's already shown he's willing to kill people to push his pure blood propaganda shit."

Melissa anxiously tightened her grip on the book in her hand, "Exactly." She whispered so lowly, Lorelei had to lean closer, "We know muggleborns. What if he goes after them?"

Lorelei leaned back, "Well. We're now in a better position to make sure that bastard can't."

Entering the Great Hall for dinner, briefly noticing four specific Gryffindors missing from their table, Lorelei sat down and looked between Melissa and Liz. "Look. If we don't join the order, we watch everything happen and can't do anything about it. If we join the order, after we graduate we can do something. We can help end these psychopaths."

"And I'm sure if we were uncomfortable, the order would be accommodating." Liz chimed in. "If we really were unwilling to do something they asked us to do I'm sure they'd just have someone else do it."

"Exactly." Lorelei said, gesturing to Liz.


Turning around, Lorelei saw Lily approaching. In her arms she held a stack of parchment. Approaching the three ravenclaws with a bright smile, she passed Lorelei three pieces of parchment while saying, "My birthday is tomorrow, we're throwing a party in the Gryffindor common room."

"And by we I assume you mean you and Alice." Lorelei asked teasingly as she passed the other two parchments to Liz and Melissa.

Lily laughed, "Marlene as well. And Mary and Dorcas are helping me hand out flyers so I can't complain."

Reading the parchment over, she asked, "Is it a big party? Or friends only?"

Lily shrugged and adjusted the stack in her arms, "A bit of a mix. I'm inviting as many people as possible, but I'm hoping some people don't hear about it."

Glancing not-so-discreetly at the Slytherin table, Lorelei remembered hearing about Lily's now ended friendship with Snape. "Hmm. Yeah we'll come." She looked back at Liz and Melissa who nodded.

Smiling brightly, Lily responded, "Wonderful! I'll see you tomorrow."

Raising her hand in response, Lorelei turned back around while folding the parchment and sticking it in her pocket.

"I think I'm done." Lorelei gestured to her plate and stood. "I'm going to go study for the Potions exam, okay?"

Gathering her items while Liz and Melissa said their farewells, Lorelei walked out of the Great Hall. Heading straight for the Ravenclaw common room, she was a bit surprised when she heard commotion coming from an adjacent hallway branching off to where she knew the route to the Slytherin common room lay.

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