counter attacking

Depuis le début

Buki giggled

"Well that's nice and all but I should take you guys to the chief,they should be out for now" she explained

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"Well that's nice and all but I should take you guys to the chief,they should be out for now" she explained

Me and salia were both confused even if we knew she talked about the village,she seemed to know what we were confused about

"You'll see when we get there"she said as we looked at each other and shrugged

"Alright" said salia as we walked out of her hut and to our surprise

The village was now full of life with many people walking around as if they had been doing that the entire day and they all barely wore any clothes and all seemed to wear a blacksmith's outfit over of their pants or underwears

People seemed to look at our direction a lot even though they didn't seem to look at us specifically?

We arrived at a house that was noticeably larger than all the others with two guards in front

They looked at me and salia for a whild before staring at buki

"Yeah sorry,that's as far as I'll go,if you want to see me again you can come back to my hut"she said

"Alright!"said Salia

We turned to the guards who asked us

"What business do you have with our chief?"asked one

I searched in one of salia's backpacks and pulled out the announcement for the quest as verification

They looked at each other before they let us in

We walked in to find a large complex looking forge with an enormous fire on one side and a double bed on the other with the sound of iron hitting molten metal resonating throughout

There was a large man smacking a hammer against a blade,nothing out the ordinary except for the fact...

The sword was glowing a blue color,it also seemed to be cracked in very specific places,almost like it was carved

He then dipped the sword in a barrel of water but instead of steam coming out it was more water that started to overflow from the barrel

What emerged was a blue coloured sword with large characters written in it that was dripping with more water than it was dipped into

The man nodded,he turned around slightly before turning around to see us causing him to be surprised

"AH!!"he shouted as he immediately threw the sword in our direction as we both luckily dodged it as it pierced through the hardened house wall

I immediately put my hands up

"Calm down!we're here for the quest!"I shouted as Salia immediately pulled out the announcement

Seeing this the chief calmed down a little

Seeing this the chief calmed down a little

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"Oh?oh right

I apologise about that,i just didn't expect you guys to come in silently, given the entrance to our village"he explained

"Are you referring to the one at the very top of the mountain?"I asked him

"Yes,at our current situation it isn't the safest but it still works"he explained

"We took a shortcut here through a cave"said Salia

"Hm?only residents or people who have been here before know about that entrance though?did someone help you?"he asked

"Yes!a girl named buki did!" Said Salia

He had a strong inhale through his nose before a long exhale

"Her huh,well no matter,I guess we ought to speak about the current issue we're facing he said

I nodded,even though I kept a mental note to ask him about buki since she seemed to be a touchy subject especially considering what we saw on our way here

"So we heard there was a problem of bandits you needed help with right?"I asked

"Yes,we have been suffering constant attacks from bandits demanding that we give them all our stockpiled weapons that have been commissioned by the military of the atlantus empire" He mentioned

"Guess that conflict with the 72 pillared nation is more and more imminent huh"i said


"But I just saw the weapon you used and the ones you have hidden,they're crazy powerful so why not fight back?"she asked

"We have made it a rule within our community to never used the weapons of our village unless gifted

However most of the ones who could fight left the village due to how isolated they felt and they also didn't fear an attack on the village because of how difficult it is to get to without proper preparations and especially within large groups

There are only three people who can fight currently, two of them being the guards you just saw"he said

"But still,you guys still need to defend yourselves" said Salia

"You think we didn't try?we tried to take up weapons but already five of us were shot dead and ten are still unconscious

We are way too outnumbered and helpless" he said

"Well Don't you worry!me and Edel over here will deal with them like they're nothing and give you guys back your freedom!we may not look like it but we've fought dozens of gangs and giant monsters" announced Salia proudly as seraphina started clapping

The chief sighed a sigh of relief

"Well is it first okay for me to ask you a question?this may not have anything to do and more of a personal question"I asked the chief

"Well naturally of course" he said

"Well you see i recently noticed some sort of hostility towards the girl named Buki,is there a reason behind it?"I asked him

He started thinking to himself

"Well you already met her so I suppose it's a given

Buki is an outcast of the village,one that is not allowed to enter any store,or house such as this one?"

Salia immediately asked another question

"Why is that?"

"That is because

She is the villages greatest shame and the reason for its current predicament"


The plot thiccccens

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