Chapter 20 |:| Kidnapped??!!

Start from the beginning

Someones pov

Eevee's ears perked upright as it was awoken by a faint noise in the distance.

A scream.

Y/n's scream.

It jumped up from its position, and looked around the play area for its companions.

Pichu slept soundly underneath a tire swing, but Raboot gave Eevee a dark look from where it sat atop a tall rock.

Eevee padded over to the base of the boulder, tail swishing nervously as Raboot hopped down, walking towards the corner where Dratini sulked.

"Ra- raboot" prodded Raboot. "Did you hear that?"

Dratini paused and came out of the shadows, "Dra?" "Hear what?"

After waking Pichu, both it and Eevee joined them in the corner. "Ev, evoi" mewed Eevee darkly, "Y/n needs help."

A shudder ran through Dratini, and it looked to its three teammates, shaking its head. "Dra dratini? Dratini dra dra!" "What are we going to do? She told us to say put!"

"Evv evoi?!!! Vee veeoi!" Stamped down Eevee, "who cares?!!! Shes in trouble! We need to get to her!"

"Raboot" agreed Raboot, nodding its head.

"Pi pichu? Chu pichu pi" grumbled Pichu, crossing its arms with a shrug. "Who cares? She'll figure it out. Her mate is with her."

Raboot, Eevee, and Dratini's heads all snapped towards Pichu, instantly scolding it for saying that Raihan of all people was good enough to be Y/n's mate.

"Ev voi voi??! Vee ev evee!" Shouted Eevee, butting heads with Pichu. "And what do you mean 'who cares'?? Youre the one who was sucking up to her at the mine!"

"Ra, raboot, boot boot ra. Ra raboot" calmed Raboot, separating the two and standing inbetween them. "Raboot ra, boot raboot! Ra ra raboot!" It spat.  "Come on Eevee, Y/n wouldnt like us fighting. And Pichu, how dare you! Y/n is your trainer. Show some loyalty!"

Pichu looked away guiltily, trying not to show that it too was a little concerned.

"Dra, dratini. Tini dra!" Decided Dratini, floating over to the locked door that led into the hallway. "Whatever, Pichu can stay here. We need to find a way out!"

Pichu looked partially hurt that they didnt care enough to try and convince it to come with them. So to spite them, Pichu acted as if it didnt care either. It waddled back to its tire swing, and jumped on, curling up inside.

Now there were three. And those three were determined to get out.

Leon's pov

I let out another sigh as i stared at the pokemon centre's insides horizontally.

My face was layed sideways against the cafè table, and i was sure that my tears had glued my cheek to it so why bother getting up? I guess i'll just live my life as a table. Oh well. Not like Y/n or Raihan would care. They finally got me back and all they want to do is nitpick!

"I dont need them. I have the table. The table is my new sister and my new best friend."

Thats when a man a couple years older than me sat down in the chair next to me, laying his hands out on the table.

"Hey little seem kinda bummed. Is everything all right?" He asked.

"get your HANDS OFF MY SISTER!!" I shouted. Draping my arms over the table protectively and swatting his hands away, face still stuck to the table.

"Woah! Dude chill!!" He gasped, standing up from his seat.

I gave him my angriest frown, and without another word he left to go find another pokemon centre.

With a sigh, i returned my hands back to my sides. Yet another job well done, i've successfully protected my sister once again.




"Ugh what am i doing. This is totally insane.
Y/n scolds me ONCE and i have a breakdown. Maybe i should get off this table-"


The loud sound made me jump upright, and then immediately regret it as i felt the harsh sting on my cheek from being ripped away from the table.

Nurse joy looked concerned, and ran to the door that leads to the back, but before she could get through, it was flung open.

Eevee, Raboot and Dratini all came bursting through at once, and didnt even glance at me as they ran out the door, leaving the pokemon centre.

Nurse joy looked absolutely mortified that she just lost three of a trainer's pokemon. But she couldnt run after them, she has to be here to heal peoples pokemon.

This was my problem to deal with.

My mom's words echoed in my head, she had said this to me countless times as i was growing up. 'Your sister, your responsibility'

"My sister, my responsibility"

And so, i gave chase.


So yeah, thoughts on a Leon x reader? Yes? No? Maybe so? i want to write one but ik not sure if people actually like him lmao

Stay safe friends ✌🏼❤️

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