Keigo whined softly, “Why can’t we go to the hospital? They could numb me there.” A stern look was the only answer he got, and he slumped in defeat, “Fine…”

Endeavor pushed the towel between the blonde’s teeth, and began quickly working to close the wound. Keigo let out small cries of pain, digging his nails into the front of Endeavor’s shirt. “Shhh. You’re fine.” he murmured, pausing to kiss the top of Keigo’s head. Suddenly he collapsed against his chest, and a look of concern crossed Endeavor’s face until soft breaths of air continued to pass through his lips. “Such a child…” He sighed, taking advantage of his unconsciousness to quickly finish taking care of the wound.

He carried Keigo up to the bedroom, pulling the plastic off with one hand, and settling the hero onto the blankets. Golden eyes fluttered open again with a groan, “Again???” 

Endeavor nodded, sitting down on the edge beside him.”This time it was just because of the pain. Your body is still recovering, so you can’t handle as much.”

Keigo sat up, pulling his shirt off, and walking towards the mirror to access his wounds. He paused at the sight of his blood stained hair, “What the hell?” He spun around in confusion, looking to Endeavor for answers, “There’s no way they let me leave the hospital like this, E…”

Endeavor shrugged, coming up and wrapping his arm around the small blonde, “You opened the cut back up on the way here. I stopped the bleeding, but it still made a mess. You can shower tomorrow.”

Keigo stepped out of his arms, turning and trying to see his back, “I just…I don’t understand…”

Endeavor clenched his jaw, finally seeing the damage to Keigo’s back for the first time. Scars that were mostly healed, thanks to Recovery girl, were painted across the entirety of Keigo’s back and up to the side of his jaw. “Go lay down. I have some scar cream.”

Keigo nodded, flopping down on the bed, and instantly regretting it as pain bloomed through his head again. “Geez, I really must have hit my head really hard…”

Endeavor walked back from the master bathroom, holding a small jar, “You did. The doctors said it’ll take a while for your memories to sort out.” Keigo let out a small hum, stretching his limbs out as Endeavor crawled onto the bed beside him. He scooped his fingers into the cream, lightly warming it before spreading it across Keigo’s shoulders. “They said…you might have false memories.”

Keigo turned his head, to peer up at him, “False memories?” 

Endeavor nodded, slowly weaving the layers of his lies together, “It’s a complication of your head injury. It’s one of the reasons that the Hero Commission thought it would be best for you to be out of the city. I can be here to remind you what really happened, and you won’t accidentally make a run for it.”

Hawks tensed slightly as Endeavor’s warm palms slid down his back, “Why would I make a run for it?”

Endeavor’s hands paused again, but only for the smallest fraction of a second, “False memories can be scary. They didn’t give me much other information. I just know that monster hurt you.” He trailed his fingertips across the barely fledgling tip of feather, “Look what he caused…” The sickness rolled around in Keigo’s chest and stomach again, and he clenched his eyes shut, trying to block it out. Endeavor finished rubbing the cream in, trailing his fingers down and gripping lightly on the waistband of Keigo’s pants.

A sudden panic flitted through Keigo’s body, and his heart started pounding. He scrambled to the other side of the bed, panting, as adrenaline poured into his system, “W-what are you doing?”

Endeavor sat back on his heels, taking in a deep breath, and reminding himself to take this slow, “Sorry…I just thought you would want some clean clothes.”

Kegio shook his head, “S-sorry, I don’t know what came over me…”

The red-head stood and started towards the door, “It’s ok. You’ve been through a lot. I’ll go pick up dinner, stay here.” 

Keigo laughed softly, “Not like I can go walking around in the cold, I wouldn’t last ten minutes.”

Endeavor paused in the door frame, “...I know.”

Keigo titled his head slightly at the tone, but another question popped into his head, “Oh! Hey, E. Before you go, do you know where my phone is?”

The number one hero shrugged, “It was taken into evidence. I’m sure they’ll give it back at some point.”

“Right…” Keigo sighed, grabbing his shirt and staring at the blood stained down it.

“There are clothes that will fit you in the closet on the left. You can wear whatever you want.”

The bird hero smiled happily, “How’d you manage that?”

Enji turned around to face him, his eyes dancing around the room, “I had a life planned here for us after your mission was over. I just didn’t think I would introduce you to it like this..”

“It’s perfect. Blood and all.” the blonde laughed, walking over to peck Endeavor on the cheek.

“I love you, Keigo.” Enji whispered, pressing their foreheads together.

Golden eyes rolled, with a small smile, “I don’t know why you keep saying it like it might be the last time. I love you, don’t worry. Getting knocked in the head wouldn’t make me forget that!”

Enji squeezed him into a hug, but pulled away as a sneeze ripped through him. “Damn it.”

Keigo laughed cheerily, “Someone’s talking about ya, big guy.”

Endeavor glared lightly, humming in acknowledgement as he walked out of sight.


Touya sat in the hospital bed, cursing Endeavor, and practicing melding his new ability into his quirk. “I swear…I’m really going to kill him this time.”


Thank yooou guys for reading so far! Sorry I'm still getting beat up by the new job lol. 

Shoot me some love, i love responding to you guys ^_^ <3

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