Chapter 13

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Yunnie's POV

            After a long day of almost getting killed and being interviewed by a man that could kill me, I needed this sleep. I know Dill needed it too.

I can't lose him. He is all I have now to survive. I like him but I will try to learn to love him which that's what he needs. Even if it's just for a short time being, I hope I can be of any help to him. Maybe I can find Y/N for him. I know he still thinks about them. Even say their name while in his sleep before too. I know he'll never love me like the way he loved Y/N. I just hope he can give me the little love he have left to give.

I been awake for a good hour or two as the room was still dim. Kat was snoring softly as their hair was messy. Frank had his back behind the fireplace as he used his arm as a pillow. Couldn't help but to stare at them since Dill was snooping me from behind. Feeling his morning wood poking my thigh as his left hand rest on my stomach. He was still sleeping as his hot breath bought me chills down my spin. Not in a bad way just felt weirded out by it.

All this time, I never realized how sensitive I was by a touch like this. I guess I found one of my spots. His hand rub ever so slow as it giving me a electric feeling through my lower half. I was hoping to fall back asleep but sadly I couldn't. It's been a long time since I done something like this with a person. Hell even with myself to be honest. There wasn't time to relieve myself while trying to keep myself safe from danger. I guess it just made me sensitive even more.

Why dose he have to feel so good right now?! If they wasn't here, I would've let Dill have his way with me at this moment. Just feeling him behind me as I adjust myself to have his morning wood between my legs as his hand went lower on me. Damn these pajamas pants in the way!

All I can do is lay there with my eyes close as I let his fingers continue to play with my lower stomach. The motion he's doing almost made me moan. All I can do is bite my lips and continue to enjoy it.

Slow yet so slightly it feels like he's moving down to my area. Is he awake? Dose he knows I'm awake? We can't do much since we have unwanted guests in our home. I can feel him begining to hump me as his hand is more alert. His breathing is more heavy as I can feel him licking my neck. Light kisses as it's making me light headed. I want to turn around and see his face. Dose he have a smile on his face? Or maybe a dirty look while doing this to me? But I don't want him to stop either. All this teasing is killing me while mind is saying fuck it and just have sex with him.

But than it hit me about it.... I haven't done it with a person in a long time.
Will I be good for him? Will I be able to satisfy him? My body is too sensitive, I may end up cumming faster. Will he think of me like a immature adult?

I'm fighting with myself, I felt a hot touch against my skin under my pants. I almost panic until I feel his thrust more. I can feel his fingers right on my lip as he glide his long fingers on me.

"Your wet."

I almost had a heart attack from him speaking behind me. He spoke loud enough for me to hear as the wind outside helped a bit more. But what if we get caught!?

"Shhhh.... Let me apologize for my behavior from yesterday." He whisper.

My body was going against me as it gave in from his touch. I can feel him playing with me as he open my lips apart. Sliding his long fingers against my clit made me shake lightly. Why dose he gotta go slow like that! Damnit I wanna moan but I gotta keep it in.

All I can do is hold onto the pillow for dear life. It won't do much but its like a stand for me to hold on from losing it. I wanna scream out his name, roll my head back to his shoulder as he finger fucks me. But I can't. All I can do is keep quiet as he flicks with my clit in a circle motion.

The Longest WinterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora