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Kicking at the wall of his padded cell, Calum was far beyond the limit of his mind; enraged but despairing all the same, upset his plans had fallen through and heartbroken it had been days without his Ashton close by.
Days upon days of being locked away, an institution holding his 'insanity' at bay; hiding him from society and binding him to his empty room with nothing more than a cotton ball to keep him company.
It was worthless, he couldn't even throw it against the wall to catch; what the hell did they expect him to do with it?

With a cry of sheer frustration, Calum collapsed back onto the floor; soft padded white catching him with a thump as his eyes stared exhaustingly bored at the ceiling above.
Maybe he would've preferred a regular prison, perhaps it wouldn't be as mind-breakingly boring, even his hour of sunshine time was mind numbing.

There were only so many push-ups and wall sits he could do before he became bored once again.

But it seemed his boredom was short lived for the current moment he found himself in, his endless torment of quiet airconditioning buzzing slashed open with a screech of blaring alarms; red lights flashing violently from beyond his heavily locked door.
It tore his curiosity into a new realm, causing him to stand up and peer at the blank slate of his door; listening intently to the chaos beyond it in the hopes he could decipher what the staff were crying about.

A hard slam rocked the door and Calum carefully took a step back at such an ungodly sound; bones cracking and a sickening squelching sound rippling from torn flesh, a scream of a young woman cut into silence against the backdrop of howling terror throughout the institution.
Someone must be going insane, and Calum truly didn't want them to step into his room and kill him too--god, he hoped they didn't have the keys.

Just as he had begun to pray the door would keep him safe it was unlocked with a loud click and Calum's heart dropped from his chest into a pool of acidic fear. He was defenceless, whoever was causing the madness outside would easily kill him with such an advantage, and dear god he didn't want to die without seeing his--

"Ashton?" His breath became snagged in his throat, eyes wide in disbelief as his door was swung open with a thump against the wall.

"There you are!" Ashton breathed out a sound of relief, an automatic rifle in his hands--body covered by what Calum could only describe as a police special unit uniform lacking its badges.
"God, I've been looking everywhere for you."

"How-I-what-?" Calum stumbled, fumbling for words as his brain became electrified with shock; his hands subconsciously reaching for his love who approached quickly.

"Fuck, I could kiss you so hard right now." Ashton laughed, his expression illuminated with the strongest of demonic love. "But we gotta go, babe."

"How did you get in here-?" Calum voiced, his body filled with relief the second Ashton grasped hold of his hand; fingers entwined seamlessly together after so long.

"Got some crazy fuckers together." Tugging the brunet out the room, Ashton spoke while Calum rushed alongside him. "Convinced them to storm the place."

Calum took a brief moment to take in the sheer mania surrounding them, walls of white splattered red, bullet shells littering the ground like golden flakes of destruction. It was stunning. Overwhelming.
Ashton was telling the truth, he hadn't come alone; others were dressed almost identical to him, some in masks resembling Jason Voorhees and others in various versions of the classic Ghost Face character; a strike of love shot through Calum's heart at the realisation Ashton had truly taken up his suggestion from so long ago.

"For me?" Calum returned his gaze to the side of Ashton's face, mindlessly following the man who managed to handle his gun with his free hand; using it to bash in the skulls of employees who got in his way. "You... you did this all for me?"

"Are you mental?" Ashton stopped them in a hallway of madness, blood and bodies decorating the landscape like a vile Halloween design, and held a sturdy hand to Calum's face; forcing brown eyes to meet his own. "I fucking love you, Calum, and these fuckers took you from me."

He paused only to hold his gun properly, aiming down the hallway and shooting dead an armed guard; glancing back to an utterly in love Calum once he had done so.
"Of course I did this for you. I'm nothing without you."

"Fuck, I love you." Calum gave a breathless laugh, enraptured. "Let's get the hell out of here, I've had enough of this godforsaken place."

Ashton couldn't help himself, grinning with a hint of devious devotion as he leaned in--arm wrapped low around Calum's waist--and kissed the man; struck by pure serenity when he felt his love's fingers tug desperately at his armoured vest, holding him close.

Reluctant, Ashton pulled back with a soft voice; its sound being all Calum wanted to hear for the rest of eternity.

"Anything for you."

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I know it's only a short story but Gosh isn't that just the sweetest freaking ending I've ever made?
I adore them so much 💓

Soooo if you made it this far, what did you think?
Lemme know, I'm super curious!

Thank you so much for reading!! 💗💗
All the love,
High Priest 💗🥀

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