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"Mo, wait up!"

I turn to look at the person calling my name and I see Amahle rush towards me with a stack of files, a cup of coffee and a handbag. She struggling to juggle everything together so I offer to help.

"Let me get these for you." I reach for the files.

"Thank you." she lets releases a sigh of relief "I was about to lose my mind with all these things." She giggles then fixes the loose strands of hair that are falling on the side of her face.

"You're welcome, you went home with all of these?" I ask her.

"Yeap, I forgot to mention how much of a slave driver Isaac is. The man has no chill." she frowns and I feel sorry for her.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I mean I am his intern after all... He never forgets to remind me." She mumbles the last part while rolling her eyes.

"He sounds like a hectic guy." I say feeling grateful that I ended up with Dakalo and not him. I know we are together now but I don't think he would be that hard on me even if we weren't.

"Girl, you have no idea. At first he appeared to be nice and cool then his true colours came out like bam! Now he does very little to hide his control disorder."

"Control disorder?" I ask and she laughs

"That's what I call it. It's like he can't go for thirty minutes without commanding or demanding. Argh! I can't believe I used to think he's all that."

"I feel for you." I tell her as we walk in the building.

"Thanks boo, I'll be fine. Anyway, how are you holding up? I can't imagine that the company's most wanted guy is such a control  like Isaac."

"He's not, well atleast he doesn't send me home with piles of files to work on."

"Then consider yourself lucky babes, some of us are groveling out here." She says and we wait for the lift to come down then we enter, it's just the two of us in it.

"I've always wondered... You and Him." she says looking at me and I do my best to remain unaffected.

"What about us?"

"I don't know, I've seen you a couple of times. He gets the door for you, you guys are always laughing. You don't even join us for lunch so I assume you eat with him. It makes it hard to not think that anything is going on between the two of you."

"Like I said before, Dakalo is friendly. That's just it."

"So there's nothing happening there?" She asks more directly and although I'm annoyed with her prying, I know I need to keep my cool.

"No, he's my boss." I say with a straight face.

"Oh okay, because then I wanted to warn you. I heard he's got this mad girlfriend."

"They are no longer together." I say and immediately shut my mouth. I shouldn't have, because now she's giving me this look I don't like.

"Really? How do you know?"

I quickly think of something "I was with him the day she caused commotion at the reception and he made it clear to her that they were done."

"Oh yes, I heard about that too... But you never know hey, they might still be hitting it up, I mean have you seen the girl. She's everything that a guy like Dakalo would go for."

Luckily the lift stops and she has to get off, saving me from any more of this nonsense.

" I'll see you around boo. "She says walking out and I relax, feeling glad that she's gone.

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